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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Letter to Children from Mrs McBeth 28.8.20

Friday 28th August

To the children of Jarrow Cross,


I hope you have all had a lovely summer and have been able to go to the park, go to the beach and do all of the other things which you enjoy doing.


Coming back to school is getting closer and closer and I hope you are all looking forward to it as much as myself and all of the teachers are. I know some of you might be a little bit nervous and are wondering what school will be like and look like. Remember you are all returning to the same class and teacher which you had before school closed. Your classroom will be just the same, the tables and the furniture might be in a different place, but it’s the people who make school special not the furniture.


The start and the end times of the school day might be different for some of you too, ask your parents to check what time your year group will start school and go home. Playtime and lunch time will be a little bit different too, but don’t worry you will still get to play out and have your lunch with your friends. You will probably even have a bit more space to play!


We can’t wait to see you all and have the classrooms full again, I am even looking forward to all of the noise!


Enjoy the rest of your holiday, can’t wait to see you all soon.


Take care,

Mrs McBeth


