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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Absence and Punctuality Procedures

Where a child is absent from school and we have not received any communication from the parent, then we initiate a first day contact process. Miss Hutchison checks all of the registers on a daily basis, to identify those pupils who are absent. There are occasions when staff are unaware why the child is absent, therefore school will initiate contact by sending a text to the parent/s. If no contact is received a telephone call will immediately be made with the parent to check the reasons for the child’s absence. You can help us by informing us of your child’s absence as soon as possible, thereby avoiding being disturbed by a phone call from school. Where parents/carers have not responded to the telephone call, messages will be left on answer machines. If your child is absent for two days and school has not heard a reason why, you will receive a home visit from our Family Worker Miss Stobbs.

Attendance Policy

Attendance Monitoring - Four Stages

Attendance Information Booklet

Attendance Matters

Leave of Absence Request Form
