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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Year 2


It was lovely to be back at school and all together again after what seemed like such a long time.  The children settled in to their new routine wonderfully with big smiles on their faces.  We began our Africa topic and compared the lives of African children to our own and read the story Handa's Surprise.  In maths, we revisited place value and studied 2-digit numbers up to 100. 









In maths we have revising number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 and using them to help us add and subtract.  In English we have read African stories to develop our understanding of adjectives and descriptive writing.  In science we learnt about living things and their offspring and investigated the things we need to survive.  Our favourite thing this month was learning about the Masai people.  We made Masai masks and shields and found out all about their villages and culture.  






We have begun looking at habitats and the reasons why animals choose to live in a particular environment.  In English we have been exploring persuasive language using the story The Hunter as a stimulus then writing letters to persuade poachers to cease hunting elephants.  In maths we have been using bar models to solve addition and subtraction problems and have begun looking at ways to calculate answers mentally using known number facts.  We had a great day raising money for Children In Need getting fit with Joe Wicks. 


