In September, Year 1 all settled into their new classrooms well. We were all given a special responsibility to keep our classrooms in tip top condition! We enjoyed reading all about Paddington and his adventures in London. We then learnt some London landmarks and learnt a song to help us remember the capital cities of the four countries of the United Kingdom. We went on a walk around the school grounds to spot the first signs of Autumn.
In October, we read the Gingerbread Man and learnt some actions to help us to sequence the story. We followed some instructions to bake and decorate our own gingerbread men. We then wrote our own instructions for Mrs McBeth to follow. We continued learning Autumn and created lots of Autumn crafts, such as scarecrows and hedgehogs.
In November, we learnt all about Guy Fawkes and created some Bonfire Night safety posters and some firework art. We went on an Autumn treasure hunt and collected signs of Autumn to make some seasonal scenes in class. We were lucky enough to be able to visit a local church where we spotted its main features as well as learning about how Christians celebrate and worship. We discussed the importance of Remembrance day and created a display of poppy wreaths that we made.
In December, We learned about the Christmas story and why the 3 Wise Men gave gifts. We all learnt how to sew and we made a Gingerbread Man puppet. We then designed our own repeating pattern wrapping paper and wrapped it up as a gift for someone in our family. We shared the Christmas story with a year group Nativity, which we recorded, so all our family could watch it at home. We made a Christmas card with a sliding mechanism and enjoy lots of Christmas fun! In December, We learned about the Christmas story and why the 3 Wise Men gave gifts. We all learnt how to sew and we made a Gingerbread Man puppet. We then designed our own repeating pattern wrapping paper and wrapped it up as a gift for someone in our family. We shared the Christmas story with a year group Nativity, which we recorded, so all our family could watch it at home. We made a Christmas card with a sliding mechanism and enjoy lots of Christmas fun!
In January, we had a visit from ‘That History Bloke.’ He talked to us about toys from the past and we looked at every day objects from the past. We looked at school life during Victorian times and compared it to now. We decided we preferred to go to school now! We looked at the materials toys were made from and compared them to toys now. We then started to design our own wooden toy – a car with an axle.
In February, some of us represented the school at a tennis tournament. We enjoyed team building activities and working alongside children from different schools. Miss Richardson’s class enjoyed our first trip to the library. We all brought a book back to the school to go into our class library. We learned about the Wedding at Canaan and Jesus turning water into wine. We then made our own clay cups and decorated them in the style of Romero Britto – our class artist.
In March, we on a trip to the Discovery Museum. We all travelled by Metro and were very sensible crossing all the busy roads in Newcastle. At the Museum, we enjoyed a treasure hunt, looking at toys from the past and made a thaumatrope, based on our class novel – Lost in the Toy Museum. We have enjoyed writing our own stories about Lost in the Toy Museum. It was Red Nose Day in March and we all enjoyed coming to school dressed in red. It was also Fair Trade week and we objects into essential and non essential.
In April Year 1 enjoyed learning all about the Easter story and took part in our whole school Holy Trail. Some of us had to wash each other’s feet! We also enjoyed some Easter crafts, making an Easter card with a lever. In our ICT lessons, we programmed the BeeBots to move around our classroom.
In May we started yoga and we find it super relaxing! We also visited the Open Zone and followed online instructions to make a bird from Lego. We then added a motor and programmed it to move in different ways. We travelled to the Open Zone on the Metro which we find super fun! At the end of May, we enjoyed celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee. We took part in our whole school picnic on the field.