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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Year 3/4


In March we were given the task to become estate agents where they had to write persuasively in order to sell a Roman villa. We even had a real estate agent visit to give us some top tips on how to advertise effectively. Some of the children are definitely budding agents! 

To launch our ‘Eating Seasonally’ topic in D&T, the children explored atlases and investigated where different fruits and vegetables are naturally grown based on the climate. They then tasted a variety of some exotic fruits. It is safe to say that the lychees were very popular and went down a treat! Although, the papaya didn’t get as many votes. Further on in our topic, we examined the health benefits of coloured foods. We are preparing to make our very own three course meal- how exciting!

To apply our taught skills, some of us attended a hockey tournament and we came second place!

As part of our R.E. topic, we visited St Peter's church and explored key objects, liturgical colours and performed the Eucharist. 



In art, we have learnt the technique 'frottage' and used our school grounds to create different textured surfaces as a basis for our art. We then layered our paper after tearing it to create botanical style drawings inspired by Maud Purdy.

In English, we wrote alternative narratives based on The Princess and The Pea. 



To kick start the year, we visited the library to exchange our reading for pleasure books and listened to a very funny story being read by the librarian. To launch our Roman topic, we used atlases to locate Rome and the land and seas it borders. We have explored the imperial army and their use of armour and weaponry through the use of artefacts and sources. In art, we have recapped the use of shading techniques to enhance  imagery. 


To conclude R.E. topic, we recorded ourselves singing, 'This Little Light of Mine' whilst holding our handmade diya/diva lamps sitting beside our advent wreath and menorah. This was to highlight the importance of light within many world religions (Hinduism, Christianity and Judaism) . We are also preparing to host a worship to showcase what we have learnt about the core beliefs and practices of Hinduism to the rest of the school. 

In DT, we made our very own modern day Egyptian collars after learning how to sew running stitch, cross stitch and appliqué successfully.

In music, we created our own sequence using glockenspiels. 


Our love for reading took us on our first trip of the year to the library where we listened to stories being read and loaned out books. For a hook into our Egyptian topic, Miss McNally went back in time and put on quite a performance to teach us the steps of mummification which led us to writing explanation texts.  In DT, we are learning how to cross stitch in preparation of making our very own Egyptian collars. Our skills of using a Glockenspiel have grown over such a short space of time. 



We have continued with our Stone Age topic and in art, we have used natural resources (leaves, spices etc) to make our own paint! We have also created Stone Age style textured cave walls using lentils and rice before we used paint to transfer our sketches -that we learnt about last month- onto our canvas. 

In English, we focused on instructional writing after reading 'How to Wash A Woolly Mammoth'. 

We also completed workshops ran by Primary Enterprise where we learnt about family life, budgeting and fundraising. 


We got straight into our Stone Age topic by delving into our text: The Stone Age Boy. We have developed our speaking and listening skills through the use of role play to generate ideas for writing informally. 

In history, we have explored what prehistoric means and the timeline and chronology of the Stone Age Era. 
In maths, we have begun our place value topic, where we have explored representing values in lots of different ways. 

In art, we are developing our sketching skills by using geometric shapes to help us form animals and how to draw to scale. 
