Personal, Social, Health, Citizen Education (PSHCE) is embedded within our ethos and throughout the teaching and learning at Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School.
In 2021, there have been national changes and updates made to the PSHCE curriculum. Relationship, Health and Sex Education(RSE) previously an optional part of this curriculum is now compulsory. These lessons are age appropriate, however as a parent you do have the right to withdraw your child from any aspects of Sex Education that goes beyond the statutory Science curriculum. It must be noted that a decision has been made that at Jarrow Cross only the statutory curriculum will be taught. Therefore, the option of withdrawal in this instance need not apply.
For further information we would encourage all parents to read the parents letter and the PSCHE PARENTAL INFORMATION SLIDES below.
There is also a Youtube link you can watch, which will go alongside and supplement the information slides that are on the PowerPoint.
Based on the responses of the survey, that has recently been sent out to parents and carers, we have added the additional information:
-Yearly overview of the content covered in each year group-see below;
-Science objectives in both KS1 and KS2, that is taught at an age-appropriate level.