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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone


Spring 24


This term we are looking at the events after Jesus' death. We remember his words ' I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.' We will also think about the celebrations of Ascension Day and Pentecost. 

This term we will also think about the bravery of St. George and how he stood up for what he believed in against the Romans and discuss one of our school values Trust. 


Spring Term 2024


This term we begin by thinking about the choices we can make in the year ahead. We will look at the words of Jerimiah 29:11 'The Lord says thoughts of peace and not of evil,  give you a future and hope' and remind ourselves  that we all make a huge difference to those around us. As we think about the new year, we will consider what attitudes we want to have this year, how we want to behave, how we want to work and treat others. 

We will also remember the importance of Epiphany and the Christian belief that Jesus’ birth was God revealing his love for the world in a special way. When the wise men knelt and worshipped Jesus, they were acknowledging that this tiny baby was God’s special gift to the world. He had sent his son, baby Jesus.


We will also consider Courageous Advocacy and what that means to our school community. We will look at people who have been courageous advocates for change and consider how we can follow in their footsteps.


Autumn Term 23


At the beginning of this term we discussed new beginnings and why the new school year is a new beginning for us all. 

Moving on throughout the term we  reflected upon our school vision ' Encourage one another and build each other up' which was wrote by St. Paul and also shared his story 'The Conversion of Saul.'

We have also discussed and shared examples of our School Values.  

This term we have also discussed what we meant by ' Spirituality' and how at Jarrow Cross we think about spirituality as 'Glimmer and Growth.' The children shared lots of their ' Glimmer and Growth' moments throughout our worship and continue to do so throughout daily school life. 

Worship 2022- 2023

Summer Term 23


This term during Worship we are looking at the events after Jesus died, such as when Mary visits Jesus' tomb and The Road to Emmaus. We looked at the story of St George and are also thinking about stories linked to our school values such as the friendship between Jonathan and David. 

Spring Term 2023 

This term during Worship we have talked about Epiphany and how important it is in the Christian Calendar. We have also thought about New Year. We looked at a picture of the Roman God Janus and discussed how he could look forward and back. We thought about the fact we can look backwards to last year and also how as we think about going forwards what we might like to change. 


This term we will also be thinking about the Christian Value of Courage. 



This month during Collective Worship we are talking about Advent. Each week we will be  introducing a different candle on our Advent Wreath and discussing its meaning.

The first candle represents Hope

The Second Candle represents Peace

The third candle represents Joy 

The fourth candle represents Love 




In Friday 11th November we held our Remembrance Service. Our whole school gathered in the hall to listen to our Year 6 children read poems and prayers all about the importance of Remembrance Day. We then listened to The Last Post and held our two minutes silence. 

This term we have been reminding ourselves of our school values and and our school motto ' Encourage one another and Build each other up.' We have discussed how Moses encouraged Joshua when he doubted himself and how we should always encourage one another when we are trying to do something difficult. 

This week we discussed our School Value of Friendship. We listened to the story of The Paralyzed Man and thought about what good friends he had and how we can be a good friend. 

To start the new year we talked about how God can help us when we are nervous in new situations. 

 Philippians 4:6-7
6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
We also used our new shoes to help us think about the year ahead. At first new shoes are unfamiliar and uncomfortable, but the more we wear them they become more comfortable and easy to wear. Just like our new shoes as we become more familiar with our new class we too will become more comfortable. 