Reading Ambassadors
Last term the children were encouraged to apply to become Reading Ambassadors for our school.
These children wrote fantastic applications and were given the honour of being Jarrow Cross’ first Reading Ambassadors. Amongst other duties they will help choose and recommend books to use across the school.
Here they are hard at work with our new reading books.
The National Curriculum highlights, "Through reading in particular, pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Literature, especially, plays a key role in such development. Reading also enables pupils both to acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know."
Reading for Pleasure is something we at Jarrow Cross are passionate about. In order to support this please find below some links to suggestions for books for your children.
Click on the link below and select the drop down menu '3-11 Reading Lists' where you will find recommended books for each academic year. These lists are updated regularly so please check back for new recommendations!
Year Group Reading Spines
The following documents identify a wide range of texts, for each year group, that teachers may select from when choosing a class reader. These books are not linked to a particular topic necessarily but do represent engaging and relevant texts that we feel our pupils will enjoy and which may inspire them to read more independently.
Check out this fab blog from Mr Taggart about the Beanstalk Programme in school.