What a wonderful start to our first half term at school! We have been learning how to be independent. We come into school ourselves, put away our bags and books and take part in name writing activities in our classrooms. And that's before the day even begins! We are confident at lunchtimes too, selecting our lunch and carrying our tray to the table to join our friends.
In our learning environment, we have been looking at the story 'Whatever Next' about a bear who goes into space. We have already learnt our first eight sounds in phonics and have been looking closely at the numbers 1, 2 and 3.
We have had such a busy few weeks! We have been exploring the season of Autumn. We collected Autumn treasure with our families and brought them into school to show our friends. We invited our parents and carers into school to enjoy an Autumn themed stay and play session, including our performance of our Talk 4 Writing text 'Owl Babies' and some songs. We were surprised by a special guest owl who we had the opportunity to hold!
We have been continuing to learn our phonic sounds and are beginning to use this knowledge to read and write simple words. We have been investigating 2D shapes and searching for numbers and shapes around the school. We even managed a walk to Jarrow Library to borrow a book.
Our Talk 4 Writing text this month has been 'Dear Zoo' by Rod Campbell. We have enjoyed becoming authors to create our own lift the flap book retelling the popular story. We have also been finding out about wild animals and have been using our creative skills to create representations of them using junk materials and paint. We have been exploring repeating patterns and number throughout our indoor and outdoor learning environment.
Phew! What a busy month December was! As well as continuing our academic learning, we have been very busy preparing for Christmas by making cards and decorations for our families. We spent many weeks practising for our Christmas nativity performance which we were all very proud of. We welcomed our families into school once again for Christmas crafts and activities, As a cohort, we visited Santa at Whitehouse Farm, and even received a visit from Santa at school during our Christmas party! The children definately deserve a break after all of that!