It is our intent that our children, become equipped with the life skills required for a successful future. Pupils will be supported to develop confidence and awareness of their own abilities, set goals and take responsibility for their own actions, understand how to live healthy lifestyles, including what constitutes as a healthy relationship, who to trust and who to go to when in need. Pupils will understand the core British Values, acknowledge and respect differences and diversity within our community and the wider world.
We use formative assessment to measure the impact of our PSHCE curriculum, which is recorded and monitored on a tracking system. Evidence of learning and experiences can be found in PSHCE files and through conversations with our children. The PSHCE lead monitors the teaching and evidence of the subject through file and planning scrutinies, alongside observations of lessons and conversations with the staff team. Our cross-curricular approach and many other activities and strategies are used to revisit and recap prior learning, and to assess retained facts.
Deeper Learning
EYFS to KS1 Bridge
Action Plan