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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

PSHCE Rebrand- You, Me and the World!



PSHCE (Physical, Social, Health, Citizenship and Emotional) including RSE is taught weekly at Jarrow Cross. As you can see, it is a rather wordy title. We realised that it was quite tricky for the children to remember the cluster of letters and we wanted them to be able to easily recall and relate to what the subject actually is. Therefore, we have decided to rebrand PSHE/RSE.


We asked every child to generate ideas for a suitable and effective name for PSHE/RSE. We recapped the types of topics that we cover in this subject such as:

- Emotions and feelings    -Relationships & friendships     -Diversity (similarities and difference)
-Safe and healthy lifestyles     -Consent   -First Aid    -Money      -Jobs   –Bullying    -Online
and many more…


The children then came up with brilliant suggestions such as:


-Life Lessons     -You, Me and the World    -Everybody! Everybody! Everywhere!     -One World, One Me


From this, we gathered in the most popular suggestions and we put it to a vote! The pupils chose:

You, Me and the World!


We think our new name for the subject is amazing and it captures the essence of the subject!


We wanted to take it even further and have a logo to go alongside the subject. Again, we wanted the pupils at Jarrow Cross to take complete ownership over this decision. Each child designed a logo they felt was suitable. We were blown away with quality of entries and choosing the winning design was incredibly tricky but the winning logos can be found below. 

As you can see, we could not decide so we had two winners. We have then merged them together to create final logo (see below)
