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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Year 6


Welcome to year 6! We've had a fantastic start to the year; we've appointed our new house captains and given out the roles and responsibilities that come with year 6.


We have already started our WWII topic, where we have investigated source material to determine the causes of WWI and explored the terms in the 'Treaty of Versailles'.  In English, we began reading our class novel 'Friend or Foe', which is about two young boys who get evacuated during WWII. We're really enjoying it so far. 


In art, we took inspiration from the works of Hannah Hoch and Chris Plowman to create our own photo montage in the Dadaism style. 


Our science topic this term has been 'Light'. We have conducted lots of investigations to explain and prove how light behaves. 

We began by proving that light travels in straight lines. Following this, we investigated translucent, transparent and opaque materials and observed the shadows they created. Most recently we used mirrors to explore reflections and realised when light reflects, the angle of the reflection is the same as the angle of incidence. 


We began this half term with a visit from Richard - The History Bloke- who brought lots of WWII artefacts for us to explore. We had such a great day and even heard a real air -raid siren! 


In science, we concluded our light topic by making working periscopes. 


We also began our DT project, where we are making waistcoats from old materials in typical 'make do and mend' style. It has been quite tricky - especially the sewing- but we've really enjoyed it so far.


In our RE lessons, we  have been looking at the religion of Islam and finding out about our local Muslim community. We welcomed Brother Kadim from Newcastle Central Mosque into year 6 yesterday. He talked to us about his experiences as a Muslim and how he lives his life within the faith. 


Happy New Year! We've had a fantastic start to 2024. In our maths lessons, we have been exploring fractions further and have learned how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. 

In English lessons we began by analysing the poem  'If' by Rudyard Kipling and even tried to write our own versions in Kipling's style. We then began out new class novel 'The Treasure at the Top of the World'. 

Our science topic is the circulatory system, where we will be looking at the function of the heart, blood and blood vessels. This week we made blood by adding various objects to represent the components of human blood.

As part of our art unit 'Make my Voice Heard' we have been investigating Mayan art by using hand -made tools to recreate patterns and symbols. 


It's been another busy month in year 6. In maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages by playing games and exploring 'The Great Wall' with IzaK 9. As well as this, we used smarties to explore ratio and proportion. 

In science, we  concluded our work on the circulatory system by investigating the impact of exercise on our heart.

In our English lessons, we have continued reading our class novel ' the Treasure at the Top of The World' where we have investigated the characters and written descriptively. 


March has been a very exciting month! As part of our Mountains topic, we spent the day with Mark from  Forested, who showed us how to build shelters and stay safe in a survival situation. We even had a go at starting a fire and toasted marshmallows. Following his visit, we used our new information to create survival guides in our English lessons. 

Science week took place this month and to celebrate this, year 6 had a go at making biodegradable plastic. In our science lessons, we began looking at classification, where we classified sweets according to their characteristics.

We finished the term by leading the Holy Trail, which went really well! 


We have had a very busy start to our summer term in Year 6. We have started our new topic 'Can disasters ever really be avoided?' and have started to learn about the tragedy of the 'Titanic'. We are learning about what life was like for passengers based on their 'class'.

In art, we have been using a range of materials to create sculptures that represent ourselves in some way. Some of us chose to create literal sculptures and some chose to create abstract.
