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‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Pizza Wraps

Pizza Wrap!

Pizza wraps

-wraps     -tomato puree or passata       -grated cheese

Then whatever toppings you fancy!

What to do:
1. Get your wrap and spread over a generous amount of tomato puree.

2. Grate cheese and sprinkle it over the wrap.

3. Chop up the toppings you wish to add to your pizza wrap, making sure you space them out.

4. Get a baking tray (line with some tin foil if you wish) and put your pizza wrap onto the tray.

5. Turn the oven on, onto a medium heat and place the wrap into the oven (an adult) until the wrap starts to turn a golden colour and your toppings are cooked.

6. Get an adult to remove the pizza wrap from the oven. Plate it up and enjoy!


Bon Appetit!
