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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone


Each week we add an E-Safety Bulletin to our website with information for parents about how to keep children safe on line. All bulletins can be found below 

Stay Safe online this summer


Stronger Passwords

Digital Lives

Tech Free Christmas

Social Media and Mental Health


Safe Internet day 8.2.2022

Stream Safe

Step by step instructions on how to check social media accounts are private:



We want to celebrate and value the use of the internet because it is a very good and useful tool. However, it is also important for us to be aware of the risks that are involved (especially in relation to social media and chat based apps) and to use the internet safely and effectively.



When online try to remember these three rules:


ZIP IT: Keep your personal stuff private and think about what you do and say online.


BLOCK IT: Block people who you don't know and keep trying to make requests, who send you any nasty messages and don't open any links or attachments that you are not familiar with.


FLAG IT: Flag up with someone you trust if anything upsets you or if someone asks to meet you offline.


In the words of 'KS'(Kidsafe monkey) always tell a trusted adult if you have any concerns. This could be a parent/guardian, relative, teacher/teaching assistant and others. Let them know what you are worried about and we can try our best to help! For more serious concerns the police of CEOP may need to be contacted.


Potential home and family rules/tips:

1. Talk to each other.

2. As a family, come up with rules whilst using the internet. Do it together and once you have discussed each rule, each member of the household could sign it. Although, keep in mind the content and things that are deemed acceptable for a ten year old may not be acceptable for a five year old.

3. Discuss regularly and keep up to date with children about what games, apps and social media pages they are on.

4. Keep anti-virus and firewall updated at all times.

5. Activate any filtering system/software and use child friendly search engines.

6. Keep the computer/laptop/IPad in a communal area rather than hidden away in bedrooms. That way it is easier to monitor what your children are doing.

7. Talk to and calmly discuss the importance of your children not giving out any personal information. Especially information that they do not realise they are giving out e.g. photograph/selfie of themselves with their school logo visible or not having Snapchat location on ghost mode so people can see which street they live in.

8. Make apparent that children should never meet up with a person they have met online, alone or with friends. Even if they have mutual friends or seem to be who they say they are.

9.The time children spend online should be monitored.

10. As part of family time, join in with playing games etc with your child. Especially ones that are chat room based, this will give you a stronger insight.


Useful links:


Reception (3-7)

A range of songs and adventures of a family of penguins being safe online..


Key Stage 1 (5-7)

This section of 'Think u Know' educates children how to use the internet safely and makes them aware of the trusted people they can talk to if they are worried.


Key Stage 2 (8-10)
This section of 'Think u Know' investigates the risks involved using the internet and gives tips to help keep them safe.


General links: (PARENTS) (PARENTS) (PARENTS: GAMES CONTENT AND FILMS) (PARENTZONE: Making the Internet work for families)




E-Safety Certificate

Safer Internet Day 2019

Safer Internet Day

Important update in relation to Snapchat


On the latest Snapchat update, Snapchat have automatically assumed that users give permission to access their location and make it accessible to all users. This means that unless your child under the settings chooses 'ghost mode' their location can be seen by all. The access becomes intrusive because although it is initially of a map when you zoom in you can see the actual street name and location.


To remove this access the children must pinch the screen, select next for location and then make sure they click ghost mode. To ensure that they are on ghost mode, a ghost like Snapchat icon will appear above an outline of their Snapchat character.


There is a PDF below that tells you more in-depth information about this so if you have any queries please download or speak to a member of staff at school.

Information about Snapchat (including updated version with map to access location of children)

Important Information regarding your child's online safety - The MOMO Challenge

Information about Instagram
