The Governors of Jarrow Cross Church of England Primary school, meet termly to discuss the running and attainment of the school. The main focus of our Governing body is to be a critical friend to the school, offering support and advice. If you are interested in becoming a Governor for our school, please contact Mrs McBeth, Headteacher.
Jarrow Cross Church of England Primary School finds a balance between a stimulating and challenging educational experience for the children and a calm, caring and supportive atmosphere. As a governing body, we support an enthusiastic and hard-working staff who are committed to driving the school forward.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured.
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Impact for your information in our Governor's Documentation Section.
Composition of the Governing Board
· 4 parent governors
· 1 head teacher
· 1 staff governor
· 1 local authority governor
· 3 co-opted governors
· 1 foundation governors
Committees of the Governing Board
· Resources Committee
· Curriculum and Policy Committee
· Pupil Discipline Committee
· Complaints Committee
· Appeals Committee
Chair of Governors
Mrs Claire Aberdeen
Vice Chair of Governors
Mrs Elaine Falconer