This month, as part of our 'mountains' topic, we conducted practical investigations to demonstrate how various mountain types are formed. We used the results to create information texts about mountain formation. We have been very busy in maths this month, where we used smarties to investigate ratio and developed our reasoning skills with area and perimeter.
In the run up to Easter, we thought about why Good Friday and Easter Sunday were important days for Christians and finished the term by leading our Holy Trail.
We have continued to enjoy learning about our topic 'mountains' this month. We took part in a Zoom call with established mountaineer 'Al Sylvestor'. He talked to us about his numerous expeditions to some of the most prestigious mountains in the world- including Mount Everest. We found it really interesting looking at all of his photographs from his various trips. We have also been developing our Mathematical skills and knowledge this month. We have started to learn how to calculate percentages of amounts and how to sue these percentages to calculate increases and decreases.
We made an excellent start to the year in January. We started learning about our new topic 'mountains' by investigating a range of sources of evidence to learn about the life of George Mallory. We attempted to draw conclusions about one of the most debated mysterious of all time, 'Was George Mallory the first to summit Mount Everest?'. As a year group, we came to the decision that he did reach the top of the highest mountain in the world although proving it would be very difficult! We have also started to learn about our new Science topic 'Classification' where we used sweets to classify into categories and sub-categories.
In December, we visited the Lindisfarne Gospels at the Laing Art Gallery. We could not believe how beautiful and delicate the gospels were considering their age! We also visited a spiritual art gallery which was very thought-provoking!
In November, we continued to learn all about our topic 'WWII'. We had a visit from' The History Bloke' where we got to investigate lots of primary sources of evidence from people based in the North East at the time of the second world war. We also designed a three-course rationed meal and used our sewing skills to 'make do and mend' by designing our own WWII style waistcoats.
We have had a very busy month in Year 6 so far! We have continued learning about our topic 'WWII' and have developed our knowledge of the evacuation process. We have studied the human and physical characteristics of both target and reception areas related to the evacuation operation in the UK.
We have also had a variety of fun trips this month, too! A lot of our Year 6 children visited Hawkhirst residential centre and had a great time, while some of us got to complete a workshop with real-life author Daniel Morton!
Hello everyone, we've had a brilliant start to the new school year and have settled well into our new classes.
It's been a busy start to the year, where we have already allocated the roles and responsibilities that come with year 6 as well as nominating our new house captains - well done to everyone who took part!.
Everyone in Year 6 has been working hard and has made an excellent start learning all about our new topic 'WWII'. We have been investigating the causes of both world wars and the impact of the 'Treaty of Versailles'.
During our science lessons, we have been learning about 'Light' and how it enables us to see.
In our maths lessons, we have been developing our knowledge of place value.
We have also started reading our class novel 'Friend or Foe' and have enjoyed learning about the adventures of two evacuees, David and Tucky.