Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
Covid Parent Questions and Answers - September 2021
National Guidance States: People who have been fully vaccinated are no longer having to self-isolate if they are a contact of a positive case; those under 18 years of age also no longer need to self-isolate if they are a contact of a positive case.
We hope to avoid any outbreaks and ask families to support us in the approaches. Please read this guide carefully.
If my child has symptoms, can they come to school?
No. They should remain at home. The child with symptoms should get a PCR test. If positive, they will need to self-isolate for a full 10 days. If negative and they are well, they can then return to school.
If someone else in the household has symptoms, can my child come to school?
Yes, the child can continue to attend school if they have no symptoms. The person with symptoms should get a test and should self-isolate while they wait for the result.
If someone in the household tests positive, can my child come to school?
Yes as long as the child is not displaying any symptoms. Parents should remain vigilant and keep children at home if symptoms develop.
If my child is identified as a close contact from the community, can they come to school?
Yes, if they do not have symptoms. We would however recommend the child has a PCR Test. They can still come to school whilst they are waiting for the result as long as they are not displaying any symptoms.
If someone in the class has symptoms, what happens?
The child with symptoms will be sent home and must get a PCR test and self-isolate while waiting for the results. The other children in the class will continue to attend school.
If someone in the class tests positive, what happens?
That child will self isolate for 10 days and the family should receive a call from NHS test and trace.
All other children in the class can continue to attend school. Parents will be informed that there is a positive case in the class and should remain vigilant to any developing symptoms for their child
Does my child need to take regular lateral flow tests?
No, this is not a requirement for Primary schools, however, if your families would like to do this then that is fine. We would encourage all adults to take regular (twice a week) lateral flow device tests to help identify early onset of Covid.
What happens if lots of children at school tests positive?
If there are 5 positive cases amongst pupils or staff who are likely to have mixed closely within a 10-day period or 10% of pupils or staff who are likely to have mixed closely test positive we will involve our local health protection team and they will advise us if any additional action is required, such as implementing elements of our outbreak management plan. This may include wider testing or targeted closures of certain groups or classes.
What happens if the staff member tests positive?
The staff member will self-isolate for 10 days. They children will either be taught by a cover member of staff or supply teacher; If the teacher is well enough, they may be able to teacher remotely into the classroom. If the teacher is unwell, they will not be teaching remotely and will be resting and recovering.
If my child tests positive but is not unwell will they get work?
Yes. We will implement our remote education plan and set work for any child who is well enough. Staff will liaise with parents as appropriate.
Although no longer a requirement, children will remain in their year group bubbles for the majority of the school day. Lunch times will continue to be
staggered. There will be some mixing of some children where appropriate – e.g. Breakfast Club, After School Clubs
Will school let us know if there is a positive case?
We will keep parents informed by letter and will endeavour to identify all those directly affected by a positive case.
Yes, but be we would ask that you take some additional precautions.
NHS suggest:
This advice applies while the person who tested positive with COVID-19 is self-isolating.
In all circumstances – please keep school updated about any symptoms, close contacts, or positive cases.
If the occasion arises that the person who would usually bring a child to school, or pick up at home time tests positive please contact school as we may be able to offer support.
If you have any other questions, please get in touch.