Friday 24th April
To the children of Jarrow Cross,
I hope you are all well and have managed to enjoy the sunshine by getting outside a little bit to play in your back yards and gardens.
Thank you so much for all of the lovely emails which you have been sending to the distance learning account. We love reading them. I know that you will be getting really bored now so don’t forget to keep looking at the weekly plans on the website for some things to do. I promise it’s not really hard work! Your teacher might start putting on links for Espresso/ Education City, if they do, here are the login details you will need.
Username Student491
Password discovery2020
I know a lot of you enjoyed watching our toilet roll challenge. It’s had 682 views, we are almost famous! I can imagine that a few of you have tried it and there have been a few ruined toilet rolls! I know there was in my house.
We are all missing you so much and I know you will be missing lots of things, but like I said in my message last week let’s just try and think about what we are really looking forward too. I suspect McDonald’s might be on the top of lots of people’s lists! Although I do know a lot of you have been doing some fabulous cooking. Have you checked out Miss Elcoate’s cookery page on the website? She will be adding two new recipes next week. I think I will try and follow them myself!
I hope you are doing what your parents ask, remember this is a stressful time for them too and they will be missing things just like you are.
Watch out for the banana and the paint on Mr Taggart’s video message this week and remember what we always say: BE KIND to each other.
Take care, miss you all lots and lots.
Mrs McBeth