Friday 10th July
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you are all well. Please find below important information regarding school reopening in September.
School will reopen for all pupils on Tuesday 8th September. As I have stated previously all children will return to their current class and teacher on reopening. This will enable all children to get back in to school routines and cover important aspects of their current curriculum before moving to their new year group and class on Monday 21st September. Further details regarding this will be sent out nearer the time. During those two weeks they will also take part in transition activities and meet their new class teacher. We are mindful that for many children returning to school to meet up with friends and teachers will be a happy and exciting experience, but for some this may be a cause of anxiety. We hope by beginning the school year as described above that this will support all children to settle back in with ease.
Start and End of School Day Procedures
As per DFE Guidelines the beginning and ending of the school day will continue to be staggered. See table below for guidance. As described above the children are staying in their current year groups for a two week period, therefore for example children currently in Year 2 will follow the Year 2 start and finish times for the first 2 weeks of school term.
Start time |
Entrance and Exit door |
Hometime |
Rec |
Usual door Reception Yard |
3:10 |
Y1 |
Usual door Year 1 Yard |
3:30 |
Y2 |
Small Hall Door |
3:20 |
Y3 |
Usual door in KS2 Yard |
3:10 |
Y4/5 |
Usual door in KS2 Yard |
3:30 |
Please ensure you are on the school grounds for the correct times. There will be a clearly signed entry to exit from the school grounds which will ensure a one-way system. It is essential for social distancing that parents and children arrive on time not early or late. Siblings may enter school with the child who starts the earliest, they will simply enter school through the appropriate door and make their way to their classroom.
I appreciate that due to the staggered end of the school day that you may have to wait for siblings to finish school, unfortunately at the moment due to the Guidance there is no way around this. Children cannot be collected early. Please maintain social distancing formalities whilst you are waiting and ensure you are not blocking entrances or exits.
Playtimes and lunchtimes
In line with the beginning and end of the school day playtimes and lunchtimes will be staggered. Pupils will stay in their year groups in order to limit the number of pupils and staff with whom they have contact and each group will go outside separately onto the yard and into the dining hall. The school kitchen will be operating as normal and the usual choice will be available. The cost of school lunch per day will be £2.20.
Please note that once children enter Year 3 they are no longer eligible for Universal Infant Free School Meals. This means that from September the children who return to their Year 2 class but will move to Year 3 on Monday 21st September must pay for their lunches from the first day of term Tuesday 8th September. Please note if you received Free School Meal vouchers your child will still receive a Free School Meal.
After School Clubs
Initially there will be no After School Clubs in the Autumn Term. This will be reviewed.
Packed Lunches
In September the usual dinner/ packed lunches procedures will apply. Therefore, if your child was not already on the packed lunch list and you wish your child to bring a packed lunch to school you must contact the school office as soon as possible as there are limited spaces available.
Learning Environments
All teachers and staff can operate across different classes and year groups in order to facilitate the delivery of the school curriculum. Pupils will be seated side by side and facing forwards and unnecessary furniture will be removed to create more space. For children old enough they will be supported to maintain distance and not touch staff and peers where possible. Pupils will be supplied with a pencil cases to reduce the sharing of equipment. Classroom based resources such as books, games etc will be cleaned frequently along with classroom surfaces.
I am sure you will by now have heard and read that school attendance will again become compulsory in September. Schools will be expected to follow their usual attendance procedures including the issuing of fines for non-attendance. I do understand that many of you will be anxious about your child returning. Please contact school so we can discuss your concerns and reassure you that we are taking all of the correct precautions to keep the whole school community safe. The issuing of fines is something we dearly want to prevent.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club will be running in September, however in order to follow guidelines the maximum number will be 30 children each day. If you do require your child to attend in September, please contact the office as soon as possible before the end of term to register a place. Unfortunately, once we have allocated those 30 places to children no more spaces will be available.
School Uniform
School uniform will again be required in September. The new guidance states that uniforms do not now need to be cleaned any more often than usual, nor do they need to be cleaned using methods which are different from normal. Please note that uniform consists of a yellow polo shirt, red jumper, red cardigan, grey trousers or skirt and black shoes or trainers.
As the Guidance states outdoor sports should be prioritised therefore could you please ensure that alongside their PE Kit your child has jogging pants, jacket and trainers which they can wear outdoors. We will be encouraging the children to leave these in school.
Children and staff who show symptoms
We hope that by keeping the children in smaller groups this will minimise the risk of the virus spreading. However, this can’t be guaranteed. The following steps will be put in place:
• NO adult or child should come onto the school site if they, or someone within their household, is displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or has been diagnosed. If in doubt regarding symptoms contact 111. They will not be able to return to school for at least 7 days, however a negative test result means the child can return sooner. If another member of the household is diagnosed/has symptoms, then the pupil must isolate for 14 days. This is in accordance with the Government advice.
• If a child becomes unwell at school, or displays symptoms, they will be removed from their group by an adult wearing PPE. They will be kept isolated until they are collected. It is expected they will be collected immediately and a test is arranged by parents.
Pupils must wash their hands regularly. Large hand sanitizers will be available at each entrance. Pupils must wash/sanitize their hands when arriving at school, on returning from breaks, when changing rooms and before and after eating. A cleaning schedule will be in place which ensures more frequent cleaning of rooms, shared areas and frequently touched surfaces such as tables.
I understand this is an awful lot of information to take on board, but I thought it very important for you to receive as much information as possible before the summer break. I cannot stress enough how much we are looking forward to our school community being back together again. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Take care,
Mrs McBeth