Friday 12th March 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
I am just writing to let you know what a lovely week we have had in school this week. It was just so amazing to see you all coming through the school gates on Monday morning. The children were obviously delighted to be back and to see all of their friends again. Obviously some of the children were a little nervous, but all children regardless if they had been at home or school during the lockdown, have all settled back into routine without any problem.
As promised there have been many opportunities for the children to work together in games and group tasks this week which the children have all thoroughly enjoyed. A firm favourite seems to have been The Escape Room Maths activities and games of Bingo!
Next Friday 19th March is Comic Relief. Red Noses will be available for sale on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th for the cost of £1.50 each. We have enough for one per child only. For obvious reasons can you please advise the children not to share their red nose with others. To get into the spirit children can also wear something red to school other than their school uniform, this is purely optional and there is no additional cost for this. There will be jokes and fun activities taking place throughout the school day.
Just for your information if you wish your family to take part in Lateral Flow Testing, packs are available for collection from Jarrow Library between 1pm and 8pm each day. Please note Public Health advice is not to attend the centre if you are showing any kind of COVID symptoms.
Other information, as part of the Covid Winter Voucher scheme all families who are entitled to Benefit Related Free School Meals will be receiving a £25 voucher per child. These vouchers will be issued in the same way as the half term vouchers and will be available to be picked up from school prior to the Easter Holidays.
Over the last few weeks Our Free Food Friday has been a great success, we are now however, running short on staple items such as tins and pasta. Any donations would be very gratefully received, simply pop them into the box at the main office. Thank you.
In the next few weeks’ teachers will begin to remind you of homework and other weekly expectations. I know you will continue to support your child to keep up to date with all of the normal expectations.
Thank you again for the way in which you have supported your child during the last week. Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McBeth