Friday 15th January 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you are well and have survived the first week of home learning. A big thank you for the work which you have sent through this week, the staff have been truly impressed by both the quantity and quality of the work which they have received. It goes without saying that there have been technical hitches, thank you for your patience and support when problems have occurred. As I said last week we fully appreciate the pressures home learning can place upon a family, especially for those of you who are also continuing to work from home. Please remember all anyone can do is their best in this difficult situation, we realise every family’s circumstances is different. Remember the aim is for purely at least one piece of work per day to be returned.
The staff have asked me to thank you so much for your kind words on Dojo and over the telephone this week. Your messages have certainly lifted their spirits.
We did receive more information this week about the Free School Meal Voucher system. The vouchers will be issued through Edenred via your email as in the Summer Term. We have not yet received an issue date, but could you please ensure if you are eligible that the office has an up to date email address for yourself. Please note that vouchers can only be issued for children who are not attending school and are eligible for Benefits Related Free School Meals.
The Department for Education (Government) have also introduced an offer to increase mobile data allowances for children and young people to allow them to access the internet to complete their remote learning. This scheme is open to children and young people who:
Further details and a link to apply is available in the Latest News section of our website.
On this note just a little reminder regarding internet safety. At this point in time it is to be expected that children will be using electronic devices to communicate, and clearly due to the circumstances probably much more so than usual. It is however of great importance that messages and all forms of communication over the Internet are monitored. As a school we place much emphasis upon Internet Safety, however these important messages can sometimes be forgotten when a child is in the safety of their own home. For more support with this go to E- Safety in the Parents section of the website. This area is filled with hints and tips regarding online safety at home.
Finally, don’t forget to watch our Weekly Celebration Assembly which is available in the Distance Learning Section of the website, to find out who has won Class Award of the Week both at home and at school. Well Done to all of last week’s winners!
Finally, can I as always thank you for your ongoing support. I have phoned and spoken to many families this week and your messages of good will are indeed humbling.
Take care,
Mrs McBeth