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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone



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Reception became authors in creating their own lift the flap books in the style of Rod Campbell, after reading Dear Zoo. We also looked at another of Campbell's books, 'Dear Santa', which inspired us to write our own Christmas lists using our phonic knowledge.


In Maths, we have been exploring the composition of five using practical resources. We have also been learning about the importance of the stopping number when we count and using track games to practise this skill. We have been finding out about the importance of the Christmas Story to Christians through lots of different activities. After so much effort in rehearsals and singing practise, we performed our first nativity for our families. They were so impressed at how well we participated, enjoying our acting, singing, dancing and teamwork.


We were treated to a special day out at Hall Hill Farm, where we made reindeer food, handled some of the animals and met Santa, who gave us all an early Christmas gift. Megan the Elf, who was looking after us, said that we were the most well-behaved school she'd had at the farm! 


We have been using different artistic methods to create cards, calendars and gifts for our families for Christmas. We even made our own repeating pattern wrapping paper to wrap them in. We hope you liked them. 


November marked the start of our learning around a new focus text 'Dear Zoo'. The children have been using actions they already know, and some new ones, to retell the story. They have created story maps to recall the main events and became authors to write their own lift-the-flap book. We know what an author is and have been talking about how many authors don't just write one book. We have also been finding out about the animals in the story through our own research at home and at school, and we have created some wonderful representations of them using paint and iPads. 


In our maths, we have continued to develop our subitising and we are beginning to compare quantities in a range of ways. We held a parent workshop to show our parents how we build our early maths skills and understanding in school, taking home activities to try.


There are lots of special times and celebrations to be aware of in November. We learned all about 'Remembrance' and made our own poppies. We talked about our own experiences of Fireworks Night. We also investigated Diwali, the festival of light. As a school, we marked Children in Need with a fundraising day and school danceathon in non-uniform. We explored different careers during our school careers event and we also had some training on how to use balance bikes. What a busy month!



We have had a very busy month this October. The children have continued to develop their independence and are managing our class rules and routines with developing confidence. 


We have enjoyed learning all about the Autumn season and have been looking closely at the changes happening around us. We have looked at fallen leaves and conkers and have used them in our classroom to help us count and match quantities to numbers. The children are developing their counting skills and are able to recall numbers confidently to five using their fingers.


The children have been learning all about Harvest and have been reading the story of the Little Red Hen. The children ground their own wheat to make flour and followed instructions to make bread. We enjoyed munching our freshly cooked buns during afternoon snack time. We have investigated crops and where our fruit and vegetables come from. We sorted fruit and vegetables into groups and identified that

all fruits have seeds. The children will be developing their cooking skills further this week, chopping vegetables to make Harvest vegetable soup. 


The children are continuing to develop their phonic knowledge and we have now learned 24 single sounds. Some of the children are applying their phonic knowledge and are using these sounds to write simple words! Amazing!


The children have enjoyed investigating shapes and have created their own version of Kandinsky's circles. We have created a fabulous Kandinsky display in our art area. Please pop in to take a look on our parent and carers 'stay and play'session.


We are all looking forward to our 'Stay and Play' session on Thursday 24th October and look forward to seeing you all there.  Please come along and enjoy playing alongside your child and perhaps enjoy a

warm cup of homemade Harvest soup . 



Welcome to Reception's class page where you can see what the children have been up to over the past month. The children have settled into school beautifully and are already making new friends and becoming familiar with our classroom routines.


Their independence is already growing and they are able to hang their coats up on their pegs and take their reading books out of their book bags with minimum support. The children have been practising their names on entry to class every day and have enjoyed participating in our morning wake up shake up exercises. They are able to help change the class calendar and have been learning the 'Days of the Week' song. 

They can choose their own lunch and carry it to the dinner table independently and our dinner staff are very impressed with the children's maturity. 


We have been completing lots of lovely activities from picking apples from our school tree to completing an art installation based on Kusama's 'Obliteration'. The children have enjoyed exploring the indoor and outdoor learning environments, getting to know the resources available and how to use them safely.
