Wholeschool STEM 2024-2025
Year Group:
| Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Year 1 | Design and make weather proof clothing – investigate materials fit for purpose.
Pinecone investigation
Autumnal walk
| Torch and box investigation (absence of light)
Make a rain gauge and wind sock
Spring walk | Healthy eating – making a sandwich.
Creating an allotment- managing/caring and maintaining it.
Summer walk |
Year2 | 3D junk modelling – African animals and habitats | Painting and mixed media: Life in colour | Make a functioning lighthouse |
Year 3/4 | Mummification of a tomato Tomb Raider: Death of a Mummy CSI Investigation STEM rock cycle with starbursts. | Super Athletes: Is there a correlation between leg length and jump distance? Roman Banquet: Food groups and what they provide for the body | Viking Raid: Digital animation of a Viking raid Boat building and floating
Year 5 | Science activities with STEM focus Mechanical Systems – making a pop-up book. | VEX Go | VEX Go |
Year 6 | Designing and making periscopes.
| Bridge building competition. Weight/ paper bridges. Rainstorm investigation – mountains and valleys | Buoyancy boat floating competition