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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Keeping Safe including E-Safety


At Jarrow Cross keeping our children safe has the highest priority. Alongside our PSHE Curriculum ( Me You and the World) we work alongside many organisations which support and enhance the safety of our children. 

Some examples are:

  • Kidsafe (CLICK)
  • Operation Encompass (CLICK)
  • Visits and workshops run by NSPCC
  • RAP events 
  • Healthy Minds team including workshops, programmes, interventions and one-to-ones
  • School Nurse
  • Local Authority E- Safety workshops
  • Community Police 
  • Show Racism the Red Card
  • Sustrans - Safe Travel



The teaching of E-safety is integral to the Computing and PSHE curriculum. Objectives from the Teach Computing programme and the PSHE curriculum are built upon in each year group and E safety is also included in KidsSafe workshops.

Each year we also run an E-safety day led by our Year 6 pupils who plan and deliver  bespoke lessons to each year group. As part of that day Year 5 and 6 also have an e-safety lesson delivered to them by an E-safety specialist form the Openzone. 

We also understand that parents are crucial to supporting their children to say safe on line. Therefore, we regularly place E-safety messages on our website and on Dojo for our parents to read and then act upon. 


See below how E- Safety themes are taught throughout our curriculum. 


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Username, Password, Stranger danger

Online, internet, search engine, trusted adult, stranger, personal information, private, technology, device

Online, internet, search engine, safe search, trusted adult, stranger, personal information, private, public, appropriate, inappropriate, technology, device

Account, cyberbullying, download, password, personal information, private, public, safe search, search engine, trusted adult, web browser, SMART = Safe, Meet, Accept, Reliable, Tell

Account, consequence, communication, consent, cyberbullying, download, permission, personal information, private, public, profile, search engine, web browser, SMART = Safe, Meet, Accept, Reliable, Tell

Consequence, communication, consent, cyberbullying, digital footprint, hyperlink, permission, plagiarism, private, public, profile, secure, spam, virus, SMART = Safe, Meet, Accept, Reliable, Tell

Consequence, communication, consent, cyberbullying, digital footprint, hyperlink, firewall, permission, plagiarism, phishing, private, public, profile, secure, spam, virus, SMART = Safe, Meet, Accept, Reliable, Tell
