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‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Year 1


For World Book Day, we read 'I Need A New Bum!' and together we recreated our own version to perform. We had lots of fun designing our very own perfect bottoms, as well as, coming up with creative ways we have all ended up with cracks. They did a CRACKING job!


In English, we are moving onto 'Lost In The Toy Museum' and we are exploring and widening our vocabulary involving lots of thesaurus work to find synonyms to prepare us for writing a character description. Then we will be moving onto looking at features such as labels, captions and diagrams prior to writing our own non-chronological reports.


So far in Science, we have planned an investigation as part of our light topic and have discussed what makes a fair test. 


In maths we made a human-sized number line and used our estimating skills to determine what number the bean bag landed on when we threw it.  We discussed where the mid point of each number line was and discovered that it would be different depending on the scale.


Our Sculpture and 3D Paper Play topic in art has allowed us to focus on techniques like rolling paper tubes, shaping paper strips, and constructing imaginative sculptures. The children have worked collaboratively and created some wonderful sculptures called: The Tree of Life!


In History, we have been looking at toys through the ages and sorted them into old and new, electrical and non-electrical to compare and contrast. The children were invited to bring in their favourite toy as part of a show and tell. In March, we will be looking at their parents and carers' favourite toys and create a classroom museum to draw comparisons. We even looked at which toys the Royal family have played with. We thought King Charles would have loved a rocking horse! 


In PE, we have been busting out some serious moves and shapes for our dance topic! We have been developing shapes and circles and have create sequences of movement by counting to the beat of the music. 


2025 was off to a fantastic start when we went to see the new Paddington movie at VUE cinema in Gateshead.  The movie brought our lessons to life when we saw what the Amazon rainforest was like- Paddington and The Browns got drenched on their adventures across the forest! Miss McGuire nearly cried when Paddington almost decided to stay with his bear tribe in Peru. Luckily he chose to join his family back in London - phew!


In English, we explored dictionaries and thesauruses.  There were some tricky words in our new text 'Toys in Space' so we learnt about alphabetical order and used our dictionaries to find out definitions.  We then used a thesaurus to find synonyms and make our writing come to life!


In Design and Technology we designed and made our very own windmill.  We put them through the test to make sure it was sturdy and ensured the blades spun round! We gave each windmill a theme and lots of us chose Paddington!



In December, we were joined by our cheeky elves Barry and Keith who got up to terrible mischief! Some of their tricks included hanging from the ceiling like Spider Man and pretending to break our computer screen!


In our English lessons, we wrote about what tricks we would play if we were an cheeky elf - I think some of our children will definitely be scouted next year!


December was party season! Starting off with a Paddington themed high tea event where we invited our family along and had yummy marmalade sandwiches just like Paddington.  We did some Paddington crafts and sang some songs we had been learning.


It was soon Christmas time where we got in the spirit by singing songs for our Christmas performance called 'Hey Ewe'.  Our parents came to watch and were so proud of us! Just before the end of term, we all dressed to impress for our second party of the term where we played games such as corners and musical statues, we even had a special VIP visitor that you will never guess (HO, HO, HO!). 


In R.E, we looked at the true meaning of Christmas and explored the significance of the gifts from the Wise Men and looked at how parts of the Christmas story showed love, kindness and peace.




In English,


In Maths, 





In English, we wrote postcards to Aunt Lucy from Paddington's perspective, talking about what he has been up to since arriving in London. To expand on this, we then wrote diary entries to include thoughts and feelings. 


In maths, we have looked at comparing and ordering numbers! In continuous provision, we have been using vocabulary such as: more, fewer, greatest, fewest etc. 


In science, we are learning about materials. We sorted and grouped them using real objects found in school. In our continuous provision, we then organised which materials would be suitable to build a house and from this designed and constructed a house in our construction area. 


In geography, we dug deeper and looked at symbols on a map. We conducted fieldwork around our school grounds and looked at how we could improve it further. We then scaled out of our immediate area (school grounds) to South Shields. Paddington was caught exploring South Shields beach and surrounding area and we had to locate those areas accurately on the map. In our geography continuous provision area, we have been designing our dream fairgrounds on a map to consolidate our knowledge. 


In music, we are finding the pulse and are demonstrating being able to find it by swaying, clapping and nodding. We are now singing about our favourite things in time of the pulse and we are smashing it (if we do say so ourselves). 



September started with so much fun! During the first week, our work was based on the text 'The Search for the Giant Arctic Jellyfish'.

We went on a giant Arctic jellyfish hunt, singing in the style of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. Before this, we made our own binoculars! We also designed our own giant Arctic animals with a focus on using adjectives.

In other areas of the classroom, we used magnetic fishing rods to catch fish and designed jellyfish using our taught skills in art (lines: horizontal, vertical, wavy, broken, and cross-hatch) and crepe paper to make tentacles.

We also discussed plastic pollution and its impact on the environment and animals. We were appalled at the state of our oceans. Outside, in our plastic-filled ocean, we carried out a science activity where we sorted the plastics based on their use.


We had a new starter arrive in our classrooms: Paddington! 

We received a letter from Aunt Lucy asking us to look after Paddington. The children shared what they had been up to during the summer holidays with their stick Paddington, but they're even more excited to take the real Paddington home during the weekends!

So far, we have written tags to inform Aunt Lucy where we'd like to take Paddington when he is with us. We also sequenced events and followed, as well as written, instructions to make Paddington's all-time favourite: marmalade sandwiches.


In art, we have been introduced to our artist, David Hockney, before beginning our 'Make Our Mark' topic, focusing on line techniques to create illusions and other forms of art.


In science, we have begun to explore autumn. We have an autumnal walk coming up, where we will use digital cameras and iPads to photograph signs of autumn. We also conducted an investigation: why do pine cones open and close?


In geography, we are using globes, atlases, and iPads (Google Earth and Digimaps) to explore where we live and our school grounds (locality). We are becoming familiar with the four compass points to help us develop our positional language. In the coming weeks, we will examine our school grounds in more detail and will recommend and design improvements by creating our own "messy" and bird's-eye view maps, as well as learning to use symbols.

