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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Clothes Recycling





Dear Parent, Guardian or Carer,


We are really excited that your school has agreed to work with us for the purpose of fundraising and recycling in the “School Connect Project”.


We have a clothing container situated within the school grounds please bring all your unwanted clothing shoes bags to help us raise money for the school


We are a north east based company who specialise in the recycling of unwanted and unloved clothing, bags, shoes (pairs) and toys for collection and redistribution.


The reason we think this project is so important is that young adults and the youth of today really seem to have taken on board the effect waste has on climate change.  We are hoping that by starting with recycling, your child will also begin to ask the right questions about climate change and the ways in which they can begin to look after the planet for future generations.


Young people are not only the victims of climate change caused by generations gone-by, they are valuable contributors to climate action.  They realise that it is their futures that will be affected.


Children are seeing first hand the visible and disturbing impacts of plastic in our rivers, seas and oceans and how marine wildlife is suffering through the ingestion, suffocation and entanglement of hundreds of marine species. Animals such as seabirds, whales, fishes and turtles, mistake plastic waste for prey, and most die of starvation as their stomachs are filled with plastic debris. 


Hopefully by encouraging your child to engage with the project they will begin to learn the effect waste has on the environment and how we can all play our part in effecting change.  They will also be helping the school to raise funds for their own specific causes.  And maybe you will have the added bonus of your child wanting to sort out their drawers and wardrobes and get rid of things they no longer use or want.


We want the children to enjoy this experience and for it to be fun and we will be talking to the school about how we can encourage the children to be involved and how we can engage with them more directly by way of competitions and prizes etc.



Yours faithfully


Deivydas Kristopaitis

Managing Director
