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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Latest Update from Mrs McBeth 20.5.20

                                                                                                                   20th May 2020

Dear Parent/Carers,


Thank you for completing the surveys which have been sent out over the last few days. If you haven’t already done so can I urge you to complete it as soon as possible. In response to your answers/comments I feel it very important to inform you of the actions/procedures which will be in place on school reopening in June. There is no doubt that our school will not look as it did in March, social distancing regulations will simply not allow it. As I have stated in my previous letters I fully understand your feelings of anxiety and due to the fact that we are not altogether to discuss concerns you will be totally unaware of the actions/developments which are taking place in school. I hope you find the information below helpful. It covers the priority areas.


Firstly, all pickups and drop offs would be staggered by times, an alphabetical order system will be used and year groups would use one door which is specific to them only. For example children from Year 1 with surnames A-H would come in at 8.20-8.30am then I-R  8.30-8.40am etc. This has now all been carefully worked out alongside a one-way system at the front of the school and entry and exit entrances will be clearly marked.  Pick ups at home time would follow the same pattern with the first group of Y1 children for example leaving at 2.20pm. School will close at lunchtime each Friday (except for Key workers children). This is to enable cleaning to begin and staff to plan for the following week.


Secondly, all of the school cleaners are now working overtime and each classroom is currently being set up to accommodate social distancing regulations and deep cleaned. The maximum any of our classrooms can hold are 12 children, (DFE guidance is 15 children) but due to our year group sizes the largest group would only ever hold 11 children. This would only be if the whole year group attended, results from the survey indicate this is highly unlikely. Those year groups attending school will be split into four groups (number dependant) so for example Year 6 will take over Year 6 and Year 3 classrooms. Each group will be assigned a member of staff who will remain with them to create their bubble. Due to this it is highly likely your child’s teacher may change. Obviously friendship will be taken into account. Playtime and lunch times will also be staggered, the yard split into sections and equipment purchased which promotes individual play. Children who usually bring a packed lunch to school can continue to do so.


Regarding cleaning materials, a huge amount has already been ordered and delivered including large hand sanitizers to stand outside of entrances, small hand sanitizers for indoor use and cleaning fluid to be used throughout the day in the classroom. Also all children will be given their own clearly labelled pencil case which will include all the equipment which they need.


Nothing will change for the children of Key Workers - they will attend Breakfast Club as they have been doing. Please note Breakfast Club will be for the children of Key workers only. They will then, as detailed above, be split amongst a number of classrooms with an allocated member of staff. These children will continue to be collected from the office to ease congestion at other doorways. Key worker children will return to their correct year groupings as and when Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 return to school.    


You will know from my letter last week that I clearly stated it is your decision as a parent as to whether you send your children back to school once we reopen. Again I must stress all decisions will be respected and there will be no fines for non-attendance.


Regarding the actual dates for reopening I’m afraid at this time this is something which unfortunately I cannot give you. I understand this is very frustrating, but much depends upon Government advice and LA Risk assessments. What I can tell you is that school will open on June 1st for key workers as normal and Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will return in a phased manner. As per government guidance Reception will be returning first, but the very earliest date this could happen is June 8th. As I stated in my previous letter unless social distancing regulations are changed Year 2, 3, 4 and 5 children will not return to school this term.


Please be assured on returning to school in June children will be taught in the usual manner eg English and Maths obviously specific to their age.



I hope you have found this information helpful. I have tried very hard to give you a realistic picture of what school will look like without raising anxieties. Obviously there are many issues which are associated to specific year groups eg Transition for Year 6. All parents of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 and Key workers will receive a further detailed letter outlining procedures specific to their year group. 


Again thank you for your ongoing support and patience if you have any issues please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Kind Regards


Mrs McBeth   


