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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Letter to Children from Mrs McBeth 1.5.20


Friday 1st May


To the children of Jarrow Cross,


I hope you are all well and have had a good week. I hope you have been taking care of each other, completing tasks from your weekly plans as well as having some good fun.


Next week all of the activities on your weekly plan will be based around VE Day which is being celebrated next Friday. VE stands for Victory in Europe and on VE Day we will be celebrating 75 years since the end of World War II. (For more information about VE Day read the VE Day Celebration Assembly on the Distance Learning page.) In your plan there will be lots of hands on activities for you to complete which include making flags, bunting, junk model aeroplanes and even baking to a wartime recipe. We would love to see some photographs of your creations, send them to the Distance Learning Account so we can share them with everyone on the website.


I hope you enjoyed Mr. Taggart’s message last week. I certainly hope he got the right amount of bananas on his Asda order this week! Miss Schofield is sending you all a message this week, so I hope you have been working hard on Times Tables Rock Stars because she will be asking! Also watch out for her unexpected special visitor!


Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the activities next week. Remember what I say to you each week, Be Kind to each other- especially your parents.


Take care everyone, miss you lots and lots.


Mrs McBeth









