Friday 18th September
Dear Parents/Carers,
Can I just begin by thanking you all for your support and patience over the last few weeks. The current changing situation continues to be difficult and far from perfect, the staff have all been extremely grateful for your kind words. Regarding the changing situation, I appreciate the local lockdown has raised many issues and concerns especially around childcare and picking up, dropping off children at school. I have attached the latest guidance at the end of this letter. The main point seems to be that: if a grandparent, friend or family member walked or drove a child to school for example (if they had not been in a home or garden) this would not be subject to a fine under the new regulations. Please read the full statement for more information.
As you know on Monday all of the children move to their new year group. For many of you this will obviously have an effect upon drop off and pick ups. Please see below the times for Monday.
Start time |
Entrance and Exit door |
Hometime |
Rec |
Usual door Reception Yard |
3:10 |
Y1 |
Usual door Year 1 Yard |
3:30 |
Y2 |
Small Hall Door |
3:20 |
Y3 |
Usual door in KS2 Yard |
3:10 |
Y4/5 |
Usual door in KS2 Yard |
3:30 |
Year 6
9.00 |
Classroom Door |
3.20 |
The children tonight will also all come out of school with their PE Kit. After consideration and latest guidance, we have made the decision that the best approach will now be for children to come to school dressed in their PE Kit on the day of their PE session. On their PE day please ensure your child is dressed in dark jogging pants (prefebly black) a white t shirt and their red Jarrow Cross sweatshirt or a dark sweatshirt. Please see the PE timetable below. We will also be sending out texts next week as a reminder of PE days.
Day |
Year Groups |
Monday |
Y2 |
Tuesday |
Y1 Y4/5E |
Wednesday |
Y6 Y4/5G |
Thursday |
Reception Y3 |
Friday |
Y4/5T |
Thankfully at the moment our school and its close community has no positive cases of Corona Virus. We are realistic that that this may not continue to be the case, but be reassured should a positive case be identified we will immediately be working closely with and following Public Health Guidance.
Our new Reception children will be joining our school on Monday. We are obviously very much looking forward to the children and parents joining our school community. I know you will make them very welcome.
Finally, just a few reminders for pick ups and drop off. Could you please ensure only one adult per family accompanies the child or children into school and also please leave the school premises immediately after collecting your child.
Thank you again for your ongoing support and as always if you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Thank you,
Mrs McBeth
Latest DFE Guidelines
You can continue to use early years and childcare settings, including childminders and providers offering before or after school clubs or other out-of-school settings for children. You can also continue to employ nannies – see guidance on working safely in other people’s homes.
Friends or family who do not live with you must not visit your home to help with childcare unless they are part of your support bubble. The only people who should help you with childcare in your home are people you live with, people in your support bubble, or registered childcare providers including nannies.
Children of parents who are separated can continue to move between households.
Note that this applies within private homes and gardens. In addition, the advice is that people should not socialise with people they do not live with unless they are in the same support bubble in any public venue. However, this is not barred and is advice so (within the current guidance on not meeting in a group of more than 6) if a grandparent, friend or family member walked or drove a child to school for example (if they had not been in a home or garden) this would not be subject to a fine under the new regulations. There are travel restrictions which state the following (and suggest it will not be a direct breach for grandparents/family members to assist with school drop off and collection in line with the rules below). It may well be worth reminding parents of this travel guidance as part of your risk assessment:-
You should only travel for essential reasons, including:-
· “to attend an early years setting, school or college, or to accompany a child who is attending an early years setting, school, college or university where necessary”
“You should also try not to share a car with those outside your household or support bubble. If you need to, try to:
· share the car with the same people each time
· keep to small groups of people at any one time
· open windows for ventilation
· travel side by side or behind other people, rather than facing them, where seating arrangements allow
· consider seating arrangements to maximise distance between people in the vehicle
· clean your car between journeys using standard cleaning products – make sure you clean door handles and other areas that people may touch
· ask the driver and passengers to wear a face covering”