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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Letter to Parents from Mrs McBeth 22.10.21

Friday 22nd October

Dear Parents/ Carers,


I hope you are all looking forward to the half term holiday. Before term finishes I just want to take the opportunity to share a few updates, which include some important dates for next half term.


Next half term we will be holding our Parent/Teacher discussions. Due to the positive feedback we received last year we will again be holding these via telephone. Appointments can be made through the normal online booking process, so please watch out for a text and email after half term informing you to click the link and make the appointment. 

Appointments for teachers will be on the following days and be available from 1pm to 5pm.

Monday 15th November: Y3/4 Miss Schofield, Reception Mrs Peacock, Y2 Mrs Watson, Y6 Mrs Stavers, Y1 Miss Richardson

Monday 22nd November: Y1 Miss McGuire, Y2 Mrs Wilson, Y3/4 Miss Elcoate, Y5 Miss Glen

Monday 29th November: Y5 Mr Taggart, Y6 Mrs Watson, Reception Mrs Armstrong, Y3/4 Mrs Holt


As always Christmas will come around very quickly. Please see below for a list of party dates. All parties will take place during the afternoon session and as usual children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will go home to get changed and KS2 children will simply get changed at school. More information will be sent out closer to the date. As we have two halls there will be two parties per day during the last week of term. 

Reception Monday 13th December

Year 1 Wednesday 15th December

Year 2 Tuesday 14th December

Year 3/4 Monday 13th December

Year 5 Tuesday 14th December

Year 6 Wednesday 15th December


At this point unfortunately due to rising cases of COVID it is difficult for us to say exactly how Christmas Nativities etc will work. At the moment we are planning to hold a

Reception Nativity on Wednesday 8th December, a Christmas Celebration for Years 1 and 2 on Monday 6th December and a Carol Service for KS2 on Wednesday 16th December. We will obviously keep you updated upon how these events will be organised.


On a positive note however, school has experienced a return to some kind of normality this term. Year 2 have had a trip to Kirkley Hall Farm, and unlike last year we have been able to have visitors into school. Year 3/4 have had a visit from The History Bloke aka

(Henry VIII) Reception have had a visit from North East Falconry and Year 6 have had a visitor from the Sikh Society to name but a few. Sporting events have also recommenced with both our girls and boys football team being in action. We are also looking forward to our After School Clubs restarting next half term. Just a quick reminder that they do start the first week in November.


Earlier this week we did send out Safeguarding information regarding Squid Game.

Due to the popularity of the Netflix show, Squid Game has become very high profile. Some children have been talking about the show at school and we wanted to make you aware of the inappropriate content as it is rated 15+. Please be aware that video content from the show is found on Tik Tok and Roblox. As always we would urge you to closely monitor your child’s social media and game usage.


Thank you to all parents who attended Miss Glen’s Kidsafe session for Y3/4 parents.

The point of these information sessions is to make parents aware and ease any concerns regarding of how the issue of children’s safety is addressed in school. If you missed the session and would like further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 


The Government have again issued food vouchers for the half term holidays. If your child is eligible for benefit related free school meals, you will have received a text to collect them from the office. If you have not already done so, please collect them before school closes tonight.


As always thank you for your ongoing support and have a lovely half term.

Mrs McBeth
