Friday 28th May 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you are looking forward to the half term and hopefully some good weather at last.
I have a few pieces of information to share with you regarding next term.
Firstly, on June 11th to celebrate the start of the European Football Championship we will be holding a non uniform day. Simply pay £1 and come to school in either something sporty or a football strip if you have one (please do not go out and buy a football strip it is not at all necessary). All proceeds will go to the Friends of Jarrow Cross to support their fundraising. Throughout the day the children will take part in lots of football/sport related activities.
Also, next term we are hoping to again take part in some organised PE competitions which will take place at different venues across South Tyneside. Please be assured that Covid regulations will be followed, for example all children will remain in their school bubbles and all events will have a clear Risk Assessment.
We have also received new guidance from Public Health regarding the wearing of face masks/coverings. From 7th June there is no longer a requirement to wear a face mask/covering whilst on the external school grounds. This is now purely optional. Visitors will however, still be required to wear face masks when entering the school building. Please note that social distancing on the school grounds is still required and parents must continue to use the correct exits and entrances into the school grounds.
Regarding the school grounds, can I again ask parents to be safety conscious and also mindful of residents whilst parking on Borough Road. Unfortunately, parents still continue to park on the yellow markings outside of the school gates which I know you will agree is extremely dangerous for both children and other drivers.
Also, just a little reminder regarding punctuality, please remember if you have more than one child in school and they have different start times, the children must be in school for the child who starts the earliest. Unfortunately, at the moment we have a few children who are missing up to half an hour of the school day as they are arriving at the later start time rather than the earlier time. This is obviously having a huge impact upon their learning.
Something for the holidays, if your child enjoys being involved in nature activities throughout June, we are challenging the children to do one wild thing a day, such as thread a daisy chain, feel the wind between their toes, have lunch in the wild etc. The children will be bringing home a letter containing further information and KS1 will receive their information via Dojo. If you do take part in any activities we would love to see your photographs, simply send them to
It is whole school photo day on Tuesday 8th June, unfortunately due to Covid restriction the photographers are unable to take family or sibling groups this year. It will be individual photographs only.
Finally, I know some of you will be already thinking ahead to the new year regarding school uniform therefore, if you wish to place a uniform order for September can you please place your orders online at by Monday 28th June. It’s a fantastic service where you will order your uniform online, it will be delivered to school for free in a bag with your child’s name on, and we will then give it to your child to bring home. Please note we have limited stock available in school.
Have a lovely half term and we will see you all back at school on Monday 7th June.
Mrs McBeth
Head Teacher