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‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Letter to Parents from Mrs McBeth 29.5.20

29th May 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,


Firstly, thank you for your patience and understanding whist we finalise our plans to re- open school in the safest way we can. I hope you are all well, and have managed to enjoy the nice weather this week.


Those of you who have children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will have read our letters detailing the return to school for your children, if not they are on the website they have also been posted out to yourselves. At the moment the dates are still provisional but we will obviously confirm as soon as possible.


Can I just stress the following information - school is open week beginning of 1st June for the children of Key workers only. Also if you are a Key worker and you will be needing your child to come to school on or after June 1st please get in touch as soon as possible. Letters for Key worker families are available on the website or can be collected from school.


Regarding home learning for the rest of this term plans will continue to be available on the Distance Learning Section of the website for all year groups each Monday morning.


Finally, if you are entitled to Free School Meals can I just confirm that vouchers have been applied for the half term holiday, so you should have received your voucher as usual.


It has been a long time since we saw all of the children and I don’t think any of us back in March envisaged school being closed for this length of time. Can I as always thank you for your ongoing support and urge you if you have any issues to contact school.


Kind regards,

Mrs McBeth

