Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope the final week of home schooling has gone well and you are all looking forward to next Monday.
Thank you very much for completing our parental questionnaires, the results have been invaluable in helping us to plan for the forthcoming weeks.
Many of you mentioned concerns around social distancing at the beginning and the end of the school day.
As I mentioned previously we will continue to stagger the school day to minimise the amount of people on the school site. However, to make these times of day as safe as possible we ask that you please:
Other measures in place
It is clear from the questionnaire results that one of the main concerns regarding the children’s return to school is emotional wellbeing. Please be assured that we have taken this into account and our priority next week will be to ensure the children have many opportunities to socialise and interact with one another as we also know that the thing the children are looking forward to most is being back with their friends. We also have organised a Silly Science workshop which we know all of the children will enjoy.
However, also understandably many of you were also concerned about academic progress and gaps in learning. Again this will be addressed over the forthcoming weeks. Staff have priority areas that will be covered within the Literacy and Numeracy curriculum, children will continue to be informally assessed and as always targeted support and intervention put in place to support children’s learning.
Many of you will be aware that roadworks have been taking place over the last few weeks at the Borough Road, Springwell Road exit. Borough Road is now one way only with entry via Croft Terrace. Although we realise this will hopefully help with traffic problems on Borough Road it will make Croft Terrace extremely busy. We do understand walking to school is not possible for everyone, however we would strongly advise to ease congestion and for safety around the school area that whenever possible walking would be a far better and safer option.
PE will continue next week and as usual children will come to school in their PE kit on their PE day.
See below as a reminder:
Monday –Year 2S and Year 2W Year 6S
Tuesday -Year 1W and Year 1R Year 4/5E
Wednesday – Year 4/5T Year 6W
Thursday - Reception P and Reception W Year 3H and Year 3M
Friday- Year 4/5G
I would just like to finish by firstly thanking you for all of your hard work with the children throughout the last term. The way in which you have all supported your children’s learning through a difficult and often stressful time has been nothing short of amazing. Also, I must again thank you for the support you have given to myself and the staff, it has meant so much to us and truly helped through some difficult periods. The cakes and biscuits especially have been extremely appreciated! The way in which the Jarrow Cross Community has again worked together is testament to you all. We are so looking forward to Monday and having our whole school community back together again.
Have a lovely weekend and thank you again.
Take care and I will see you all very soon,
Mrs McBeth