Friday 5th May 2020
Dear Parents,
I hope you are all well. Just to keep you updated with a number of matters. Our Risk Assessments have been passed by both Governors and the Local Authority and Reception Parents have been notified that school will re-open for Reception children on June 8th. The Risk Assessment is available for all parents to view in the Key Information section of the website. Obviously at the moment I cannot guarantee the opening times for other year groups but the provisional dates at the moment are still:
Year 1 15th June
Year 6 22nd June
All parents of children in those year groups have received a letter detailing opening and pick up times. They are also available on the website. Please note that school meals and milk are free to all children attending school this term.
Our key workers continue to attend school as they have been throughout this period. If you are a Key Worker and are returning to work in the next few weeks and will need your child to attend school, please contact us by Friday 12th June to confirm a place. After that point due to other Year Groups returning we may not be able to provide any additional places.
Unfortunately, as I have stated in previous letters unless guidance from the government changes we do not have the capacity to open to any other year groups before September. We fully appreciate that does leave many of you struggling to balance childcare and working pressures, however we have no option but to follow government guidance.
Home learning will continue in the same way for all year groups. Each Year Groups plan will be available on the website and APP every Monday morning as has been current practice.
At the moment Free School Meal Vouchers are set to continue. However, it is very possible that the Government will begin to wind down the system as the summer holidays approach especially for the Year Groups which are allowed to attend school.
Currently parents entitled to free school meals should continue to receive vouchers if their children remain at home this term, children attending school will have their free
school meal in school, therefore if your child is in school you will not receive a voucher for that child. However, if they have a sibling still at home you will receive a voucher for that child. We will keep you updated. If any family does require food parcels please contact us or a member of the Friends of Jarrow Cross as soon as possible.
We are all desperate for everything to get back to normal and see you all on a daily basis, chats on the phone although lovely are just not the same!
Please remember even if your child is not returning to school that we are here to help in any way we can.
Take Care
Mrs McBeth