Friday 17th June 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you are all well. The summer term is always a very busy one and here are some important dates for the term ahead.
Annual Report- All children will receive their annual report on Friday 8th July
Reception Sports Day Monday 11th July at 2pm
Sports Day for Year 1 and 2 Tuesday 19th July at 10am
Sports Day for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 Tuesday 19th July at 1.45pm
This term each year group is holding an event for parents to come along and join in with an activity and children to share their work. Some have already taken place eg Reception parents had a lovely morning with Captain Raggybeard!! If you have not already received your invite it will be sent out soon.
Also this term we will holding important meetings to give parents the opportunity to meet their child’s new year group teaching team. Your attendance would be greatly appreciated. Parents will be able to ask questions regarding the forthcoming year and this will also give staff the opportunity to discuss specific year group expectations.
See dates below
All meetings to start at 2.40pm aim to be finished by 3.10pm
Date |
Current year group |
Year group for next academic year |
Monday 11th July |
Y1 |
Y2 |
Wednesday 13th July |
Y4 |
Y5 |
Thursday 14th July |
Y2 |
Y3/4 |
Thursday 14th July |
Y3 |
Y3/4 |
Friday 15th July |
Y5 |
Y6 |
Monday 18th July |
Reception |
Y1 |
Obviously dates regarding trips etc which are specific to certain year groups will be sent to that year group only.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McBeth