Monday 12th September
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you have all had a good first week and are settling back into the school routine. We have had a lovely week and all of the children have settled back in very quickly. Our Reception children started school last Wednesday and I am sure you will all join with me in welcoming both children and parents into our school community.
The children have all come back to school exceptionally smart, so a big thank you to you all for supporting us with the correct uniform. Just a quick note, black jogging bottoms should only be worn on PE days and PE kit consists of a white T- shirt, black shorts or jogging bottoms and red school jumper.
Here are just a few pieces of information for the term ahead. Firstly, please see below the day on which each class has PE.
Reception – Thursday
Y1 – Tuesday
Y2- Tuesday
Y3/4S- Wednesday
Y3/4E and Y3/4M- Friday
Y5T – Monday
Y5G- Wednesday
Y5G- Thursday
Y6S- PE Monday, Swimming on Wednesday
Y6W- PE Wednesday, Swimming on Monday
Also, if you wish your child to receive milk this term the final date for payment is October 2nd. The cost has remained the same at £9.10.
Please remember also if you wish your child to have a packed lunch from home for the lunchtime period this must be requested by letter via the office.
This week your child will have brought home the parental consent form to receive the Nasal Flu spray. We have been given a very quick turnaround to return the forms to the nursing service so if you could please return the form as soon as possible it would be very helpful.
Just a quick note regarding attendance. If your child is absent, please contact the main office on the first day of their absence. A message can be left on the answerphone. Please do not use Dojo to report absences. Teachers are very busy first thing each day and therefore as I am sure you can appreciate messages do not always get passed on to the office.
Finally, I would just like to say a big well done to Mrs Watson (Year 2) who has successfully lead Jarrow Cross to achieve the School Games Gold Award (see logo below) a big thank you to her for all of her hard work.
Have a good week,
Kind Regards,
Mrs McBeth