Friday 4th March
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you all had a lovely half term and are now enjoying the lighter mornings and evenings.
As promised prior to the holidays here are the dates for this term’s Parent/ Teacher discussion sessions. Once again meetings will take place via the telephone. Please watch out for a text and/or an email to book your time slot the majority of which will be between 1pm and 5pm. We have however, also added an extra time slot for the Year3/4 classes. Please see below. Please ignore any reminder message which states meetings are to be held in the classroom, this is simply automated by the company’s system not school.
The dates are as follows:
Monday 14th March 1pm-5pm
Reception Mrs Armstrong
Year 1 Miss Richardson
Year 2 Mrs Watson
Year3/4 Miss Schofield
Year 5 Mr Taggart
Tuesday 15th March 2pm-3pm
Year 3/4 Miss Schofield
Monday 21st March 1pm-5pm
Year 1 Miss McGuire
Year 2 Mrs Wilson
Year 3/4 Miss Elcoate
Year 5 Miss Glen
Year 6 Mrs Stavers
Tuesday 22nd March 2pm-3pm
Year 3/4 Miss Elcoate
Monday 28th March 1pm-5pm
Reception Mrs Peacock
Year3/4 Mrs Holt
Year 6 Mrs Watson
Tuesday 29th March
Year 3/4 Mrs Holt 2pm- 3pm
Please note that when staff call you it is more than likely that the call will come through as a withheld number. This is simply due to staff using mobiles.
We look forward to speaking to you all soon.
Kind Regards,
Mrs McBeth