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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Letter to Parents from Mrs McBeth 28.8.20

    Fri 28 Aug 2020

                                                                                                                                   Friday 28th August 2020


    Dear Parents/ Carers,

    I hope you are all well and have had a lovely summer. We are all so looking forward to our school reopening for everyone in September and I suspect many of you are too!


    Here are just a few reminders for the upcoming term. School reopens for all pupils on Tuesday 8th September. As I have stated previously all children will return to their current class and teacher on reopening. This will enable all children to get back in to school routines and cover important aspects of their current curriculum before moving to their new year group and class on Monday 21st September.


    As per DFE Guidelines the beginning and ending of the school day will continue to be staggered. See table below for guidance. As described above the children are staying in their current year groups for a two week period, therefore for example children currently in Year 2 will follow the Year 2 start and finish times for the first 2 weeks of school term.



    Start time

    Entrance and Exit  door





    Usual door

    Reception Yard





    Usual door

    Year 1 Yard





    Small Hall Door





    Usual gate in

    KS2 Yard





    Usual gate in

    KS2 Yard



    Please ensure you are on the school grounds for the correct times. There will be a clearly signed entry to exit from the school grounds which will ensure a one-way system. It is essential for social distancing that parents and children arrive on time not early or late. Siblings may enter school with the child who starts the earliest, they will simply enter school through the appropriate door and make their way to their classroom. Only one parent or adult should bring the child/ family to school.

    I appreciate that due to the staggered end of the school day that you may have to wait for siblings to finish school, unfortunately at the moment due to the Guidance there is no way around this. Children cannot be collected early. Please maintain social distancing formalities whilst you are waiting and ensure you are not blocking entrances or exits. Elder siblings will not be allowed to congregate either inside or outside the school gates but must simply arrive on time on their own similarly to all other adults collecting children.   


    Initially there will be no After School Clubs running in the Autumn Term, but this will be reviewed. Thank you to those of you who got in touch regarding Breakfast Club, as you know due to the Guidelines there were only 30 places available. All of those places are now filled and if you wish your child to go on the waiting list please contact the office in September.


    I am sure you will by now have heard and read that school attendance will again become compulsory in September. Schools will be expected to follow their usual attendance procedures including the issuing of fines for non attendance. I do understand that many of you will be anxious about your child returning. Please contact school so we can discuss your concerns and reassure you that we are taking all of the correct precautions to keep the whole school community safe. The issuing of fines is something we dearly want to prevent.


    Please remember school uniform will again be required in September. Contrary to what you may have heard or read in the media the new guidance clearly states that uniforms do not now need to be cleaned any more often than usual, nor do they need to be cleaned using methods which are different from normal.  Please note that uniform consists of a yellow polo shirt, red jumper, grey trousers or skirt and black shoes or trainers.


    Children will be provided with a pencil case with all the essential stationary which they will need. They do not need to bring any items from home with the exception of a water bottle. Also please ensure that apart from packed lunches and PE kit which will then be left at school that the children do not bring any other bags into school. As there is no requirement for primary age children to wear masks in school we will not be asking or expecting children to wear a mask on returning to school.


    Obviously there have been many changes to the regulations regarding shielding over the last few weeks especially linked to foreign travel. If you think that you may be effected by the new shielding regulations, please contact myself using the email address above.


    Please remember as I have stated above if you have any concerns please get in touch. To help support your child make a successful return to school, the document which Mrs Jackson put together in July may be helpful. It was attached to a previous letter, but is now also available in the Support Your Child Area in the Parent’s Section of the website. Please also remember that Mrs Jackson can be contacted through the Bee Calm Bee Happy Facebook page for any further advice.


    There can be no doubt that the last few months have been challenging for us here at school, but also very specifically for those of you whose children have not been at school since March. As always I cannot thank you enough for your patience through such difficult times. We really cannot wait to have classrooms full again and see all of the children whom we have missed so much.

    Take care and look forward to seeing you all soon.

    Mrs McBeth

  • Letter to Children from Mrs McBeth 28.8.20

    Fri 28 Aug 2020

    Friday 28th August

    To the children of Jarrow Cross,


    I hope you have all had a lovely summer and have been able to go to the park, go to the beach and do all of the other things which you enjoy doing.


    Coming back to school is getting closer and closer and I hope you are all looking forward to it as much as myself and all of the teachers are. I know some of you might be a little bit nervous and are wondering what school will be like and look like. Remember you are all returning to the same class and teacher which you had before school closed. Your classroom will be just the same, the tables and the furniture might be in a different place, but it’s the people who make school special not the furniture.


    The start and the end times of the school day might be different for some of you too, ask your parents to check what time your year group will start school and go home. Playtime and lunch time will be a little bit different too, but don’t worry you will still get to play out and have your lunch with your friends. You will probably even have a bit more space to play!


    We can’t wait to see you all and have the classrooms full again, I am even looking forward to all of the noise!


    Enjoy the rest of your holiday, can’t wait to see you all soon.


    Take care,

    Mrs McBeth


