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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Emotional Well-being Support

    Mon 27 Apr 2020

    Good Morning,


    Firstly I would like to start by saying I hope everyone is staying safe and feeling well.


    Life as we once knew it has changed for us all and I hope you are all slowly adapting to this new way of living. I am missing supporting and working with you all and I am aware that some families would still benefit from my help during this time. Over the past few weeks I have been thinking of the best way in which I could continue to offer a level of support and I have decided to set up an emotional well-being school community page on Facebook. This will provide practical support, activities and guidance as well as an option for contacting and communicating with myself through a direct message. This will help me to target specific support where required. This page will go live from today. If you search the link below and follow the page.



    I hope to contact with as many of you as possible in the near future.


    Sending love and light to you all

    Mrs Jackson                  
  • Lockdown Assault Course

    Fri 24 Apr 2020

    Today, we carried out a giant assault course. It was hard work but we had lots of fun. Here is the link to watch some of us in action: 



  • Letter to Parents from Mrs McBeth 24.2.20

    Fri 24 Apr 2020

    Friday 24th April

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    It is hard to believe we are now at the end of our 5th week of lockdown. We totally appreciate that everyone’s lives have changed beyond recognition. I would like to say a big thank you for all of the kind messages of support we have received from yourselves during this time, they really have meant a lot.


    We are obviously trying to support the issue of home learning with our weekly plans, which I hope you are finding helpful. We are aware that there is now an abundance of online materials available which must be quite overwhelming. Our advice would be to use our plans as your main support and dip in and out of other materials as you see fit.

    You may now find on some of the weekly plans a link to Espresso/Education City. The login details the children will need to access this are:

    Username student491

    Password discovery 2020

    Thank you for the emails you have sent to the distance learning email account, please keep them coming as the staff enjoy reading and responding to them.


    However, I must reinforce my previous message which is please do not stress about school work. I think the following letter which has recently appeared on social media  sums everything up.


    Dear Parents,

    Don’t stress about school work. When school opens we will get your children back on track. We are teachers and that is our superpower. What we can’t fix is social- emotional trauma that prevents the brain from learning. So right now we just need you to share your calm, share your strength, and share your laughter with your children. No children are ahead. No children are behind. Your children are exactly where they need to be.

    With love all the teachers on planet Earth.


    On that note, please take care and remember that we are still open and here to help.

    Mrs McBeth                                                                                  

  • Letter to Children from Mrs McBeth 24.4.20

    Fri 24 Apr 2020


    Friday 24th April

    To the children of Jarrow Cross,


    I hope you are all well and have managed to enjoy the sunshine by getting outside a little bit to play in your back yards and gardens.


    Thank you so much for all of the lovely emails which you have been sending to the distance learning account. We love reading them. I know that you will be getting really bored now so don’t forget to keep looking at the weekly plans on the website for some things to do. I promise it’s not really hard work! Your teacher might start putting on links for Espresso/ Education City, if they do, here are the login details you will need.

    Username Student491

    Password discovery2020


    I know a lot of you enjoyed watching our toilet roll challenge. It’s had 682 views, we are almost famous! I can imagine that a few of you have tried it and there have been a few ruined toilet rolls! I know there was in my house.


    We are all missing you so much and I know you will be missing lots of things, but like I said in my message last week let’s just try and think about what we are really looking forward too. I suspect McDonald’s might be on the top of lots of people’s lists! Although I do know a lot of you have been doing some fabulous cooking. Have you checked out Miss Elcoate’s cookery page on the website? She will be adding two new recipes next week. I think I will try and follow them myself!


    I hope you are doing what your parents ask, remember this is a stressful time for them too and they will be missing things just like you are.

    Watch out for the banana and the paint on Mr Taggart’s video message this week and remember what we always say: BE KIND to each other.


    Take care, miss you all lots and lots.

    Mrs McBeth


  • Photo collage to you from us all: We miss you!

    Fri 17 Apr 2020



    We hope you are all keeping safe and well & are having a lot of fun! We just wanted to say we really miss you all and can't wait to see all of your friendly smiles again. Thank you so much for keeping in touch with us via the distance learning email. 


    Here are two photos with important messages for you all! 


    We miss you! Take care, stay safe and have FUN!

  • Fun at School!

    Tue 14 Apr 2020
  • Staff attempt the toilet roll challenge!

    Tue 14 Apr 2020

    Because we are missing you so much, we wanted to attempt the latest toilet roll football challenge, as a way of staying connected with you all!


    Here is the direct link: 


    We hope you enjoy watching this, especially all of the bloopers! 


    Take care, stay safe and keep in touch via our distance learning email!

  • Childrens' Easter Creations!

    Fri 10 Apr 2020
    Thank you for sending in some of your lovely Easter eggs, poems and bonnets! Here are just some of the ones we have received so far.
  • Staffs' Easter Creations!

    Thu 09 Apr 2020
    Not only have the children been getting busy, the staff have been too! Here are some of their creations.
  • Letter to Children from Mrs McBeth 3.4.20

    Fri 03 Apr 2020

    Friday April 3rd


    To the children of Jarrow Cross,


    Hi, how are you all? We hope you are all safe and well.


    The teachers have loved looking at your work and photographs, keep on sending them to our distance learning account.


    We hope you have enjoyed completing the activities from the weekly plans. Don’t forget if you are getting bored keep checking the activities in the Distance Learning section of the website. If you like drawing there is a really good video from an artist called Rob Biddulph for you to watch, some Disney characters for you to draw, some good ideas for scavenger hunts and a fun Covid 19 Time capsule for you to complete.


    Next week is Easter so we thought it would be a good idea for you to decorate some eggs or bonnets and send your photos to the distance learning email account. We will then share them on the website so we can all see how creative we are! Tell your parents they can join in too. So get decorating! I will send out a text next week to remind everyone.


    Also as Holy Week begins on Sunday, there will be an assembly on the website telling the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem.


    We miss you all, take care. Remember be kind and have fun, but most importantly stay safe.


    Mrs McBeth and everyone at Jarrow Cross
