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  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School
‘Value in Everyone’
Value in Everyone

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Letter to Parents from Mrs McBeth 29.5.20

    Fri 29 May 2020

    29th May 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    Firstly, thank you for your patience and understanding whist we finalise our plans to re- open school in the safest way we can. I hope you are all well, and have managed to enjoy the nice weather this week.


    Those of you who have children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will have read our letters detailing the return to school for your children, if not they are on the website they have also been posted out to yourselves. At the moment the dates are still provisional but we will obviously confirm as soon as possible.


    Can I just stress the following information - school is open week beginning of 1st June for the children of Key workers only. Also if you are a Key worker and you will be needing your child to come to school on or after June 1st please get in touch as soon as possible. Letters for Key worker families are available on the website or can be collected from school.


    Regarding home learning for the rest of this term plans will continue to be available on the Distance Learning Section of the website for all year groups each Monday morning.


    Finally, if you are entitled to Free School Meals can I just confirm that vouchers have been applied for the half term holiday, so you should have received your voucher as usual.


    It has been a long time since we saw all of the children and I don’t think any of us back in March envisaged school being closed for this length of time. Can I as always thank you for your ongoing support and urge you if you have any issues to contact school.


    Kind regards,

    Mrs McBeth


  • Letter to Children from Mrs McBeth 29.5.20

    Fri 29 May 2020



    To the Children of Jarrow Cross,


    Well hasn’t it been such a lovely sunny week for your half term.  I hope you have been able to get out and enjoy it.


    We have been working very hard this week getting the school ready for some of you returning, We are all really looking forward to seeing you and hopefully we will see some of you from Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 very soon.


    If you are not coming back to school just yet that is no problem, we will still keep in touch and all of the weekly plans will still be available on the website each week for you to follow.


    Have you spotted our lovely messages that the children who have been in school have written and put on the lampposts around the area. If you haven’t watch out for them lots of people have and have wrote nice messages on different websites all about them.


    Remember what I said in my message last week, school may look a little different when you come back but that just things like tables and rooms, the main things like you and all the teachers will be exactly the same so please don’t worry.


    I am looking forward to seeing some of you very soon. Remember BE KIND and look after each other.


    Take care,

    Mrs McBeth 






  • Artwork!

    Thu 28 May 2020
  • Re-Opening Letters for Reception, Year 1, Year 6 and Key Workers

    Wed 27 May 2020

    Please see the Letters section of the website to read the re-opening letters, which contain important information for Reception, Year 1, Year 6 and Key Workers

  • Latest Update from Mrs McBeth 20.5.20

    Wed 20 May 2020

                                                                                                                       20th May 2020

    Dear Parent/Carers,


    Thank you for completing the surveys which have been sent out over the last few days. If you haven’t already done so can I urge you to complete it as soon as possible. In response to your answers/comments I feel it very important to inform you of the actions/procedures which will be in place on school reopening in June. There is no doubt that our school will not look as it did in March, social distancing regulations will simply not allow it. As I have stated in my previous letters I fully understand your feelings of anxiety and due to the fact that we are not altogether to discuss concerns you will be totally unaware of the actions/developments which are taking place in school. I hope you find the information below helpful. It covers the priority areas.


    Firstly, all pickups and drop offs would be staggered by times, an alphabetical order system will be used and year groups would use one door which is specific to them only. For example children from Year 1 with surnames A-H would come in at 8.20-8.30am then I-R  8.30-8.40am etc. This has now all been carefully worked out alongside a one-way system at the front of the school and entry and exit entrances will be clearly marked.  Pick ups at home time would follow the same pattern with the first group of Y1 children for example leaving at 2.20pm. School will close at lunchtime each Friday (except for Key workers children). This is to enable cleaning to begin and staff to plan for the following week.


    Secondly, all of the school cleaners are now working overtime and each classroom is currently being set up to accommodate social distancing regulations and deep cleaned. The maximum any of our classrooms can hold are 12 children, (DFE guidance is 15 children) but due to our year group sizes the largest group would only ever hold 11 children. This would only be if the whole year group attended, results from the survey indicate this is highly unlikely. Those year groups attending school will be split into four groups (number dependant) so for example Year 6 will take over Year 6 and Year 3 classrooms. Each group will be assigned a member of staff who will remain with them to create their bubble. Due to this it is highly likely your child’s teacher may change. Obviously friendship will be taken into account. Playtime and lunch times will also be staggered, the yard split into sections and equipment purchased which promotes individual play. Children who usually bring a packed lunch to school can continue to do so.


    Regarding cleaning materials, a huge amount has already been ordered and delivered including large hand sanitizers to stand outside of entrances, small hand sanitizers for indoor use and cleaning fluid to be used throughout the day in the classroom. Also all children will be given their own clearly labelled pencil case which will include all the equipment which they need.


    Nothing will change for the children of Key Workers - they will attend Breakfast Club as they have been doing. Please note Breakfast Club will be for the children of Key workers only. They will then, as detailed above, be split amongst a number of classrooms with an allocated member of staff. These children will continue to be collected from the office to ease congestion at other doorways. Key worker children will return to their correct year groupings as and when Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 return to school.    


    You will know from my letter last week that I clearly stated it is your decision as a parent as to whether you send your children back to school once we reopen. Again I must stress all decisions will be respected and there will be no fines for non-attendance.


    Regarding the actual dates for reopening I’m afraid at this time this is something which unfortunately I cannot give you. I understand this is very frustrating, but much depends upon Government advice and LA Risk assessments. What I can tell you is that school will open on June 1st for key workers as normal and Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will return in a phased manner. As per government guidance Reception will be returning first, but the very earliest date this could happen is June 8th. As I stated in my previous letter unless social distancing regulations are changed Year 2, 3, 4 and 5 children will not return to school this term.


    Please be assured on returning to school in June children will be taught in the usual manner eg English and Maths obviously specific to their age.



    I hope you have found this information helpful. I have tried very hard to give you a realistic picture of what school will look like without raising anxieties. Obviously there are many issues which are associated to specific year groups eg Transition for Year 6. All parents of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 and Key workers will receive a further detailed letter outlining procedures specific to their year group. 


    Again thank you for your ongoing support and patience if you have any issues please do not hesitate to get in touch.


    Kind Regards


    Mrs McBeth   



  • Letter to Parents from Mrs McBeth 15.5.20

    Fri 15 May 2020

    15th May 2020


    Dear Parent/ Carers,


    Further to the information regarding the opening of school for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children I would like to thank you for completing our survey. The results will inform our risk assessments and give us a good understanding of how parents are feeling, their worries and intention regarding sending their children back to school.

    Initial results indicate that only about 20% of yourselves are happy for your children to return to school. On that point I must stress that this is absolutely your decision. I completely understand that all families will have their own thoughts and opinions on this matter and any decision you make will be treated with the upmost respect and support. Please be assured that the government have confirmed that parents will not be fined for keeping their child at home.


    For a few families it has been essential school has remained open and I cannot imagine how difficult it has been for those parents and how difficult it has been leaving their child at school so they can go and continue to do the key jobs like caring for our vulnerable and the need to do this to pay the bills. We believe it was right providing school and childcare for these pupils and families and will continue to do so.


    As I stated on Tuesday we have received guidelines which we are currently working through in the context of our school, we are also using the Local Authority Risk assessment to support us in reducing risks, however, I must be very clear that social distancing expectations which we are being asked to follow in our day to day lives will be incredibly difficult to follow in the school setting and this is reflected in government guidance.

    For more information, please use the link below: to see the latest Government Guidance for Parents. This link is also available on our website in the latest news section.



    At the moment as you know the government guidelines are for schools to work towards the potential reopening after June 1st. This is by no means confirmation that schools will reopen as the government has said the “5 tests must be met before schools can reopen.” Until we receive further information we are working towards a phased reopening for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. I will be writing to those parents to identify the measures which have been put in place for their intended return to school.  


    In the meantime, please remember that as always we are here to support you. The kindness and support we have received from you all has been overwhelming and myself and all of the staff consider ourselves to be very lucky to work with such a special community.


    Take Care


    Mrs McBeth


  • Letter to Children from Mrs McBeth 15.5.50

    Fri 15 May 2020



    15th May 2020


    To the children of Jarrow Cross,


    I hope you are all well and looking after each other. I hope you have been able to go outside for some exercise a little bit more this week.


    No doubt you will have heard lots of talk this week about school reopening on 1st June for those of you in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. For some of you this will be really good news as I know you are missing your friends and lots of things about school, for some of you it might not!! I have written to your parents about this and I will keep them informed with everything that is happening, so please do not worry about anything.


    This week should have been SAT’s week for you Year 6 children, again some of you are probably very happy that they did not happen and some of you of you will be a little bit disappointed. However you feel I hope you all read and enjoyed the poem we put on the website dedicated to you all.


    It is Mrs Stavers turn this week to send you all a message. If you watch it you will get to meet baby Hallie, she is gorgeous. Mrs Stavers says she cries a lot but I don’t believe that and I don’t think you will either when you see her!


    I just want to say again please do not worry about everything you are hearing on the news or reading online, we as adults are working hard to sort things out, it is your job just to keep on being safe and keeping yourselves busy at home.



    I will write to you all again next week, take care and remember BE KIND!


    Mrs McBeth


  • Government Guidance

    Wed 13 May 2020
  • Latest Update

    Tue 12 May 2020


                                                                                                Tuesday 12th May 2020


    Dear Parents and Carers,


    I know you will now all be aware that it is the Government’s intention to implement a phased reopening of schools from the 1st June. This would begin with Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. Only if infection rates and the Government’s other tests at the time allow it.


    Last night much documentation was released giving guidance upon how this can be done with the correct safety measures in place. We will be using the next two weeks to make sure we manage the process of re-opening well and that we have all sensible measures in place so school will be a safe place for your child to return to. In the short term nothing has changed and school will continue to run as it has done in the previous weeks since lockdown.


    I fully understand you will have many questions. Many of you will feel nervous about your child returning to school.  I understand this completely. What is clear is that school will not look the same as when we closed. There will be significantly reduced classes, staggered openings, closing times, lunches and playtimes. Also from a hygiene point of view our cleaning services will be required to adapt to the safety measures put in place.


    I’d like to take this opportunity to again thank you for your support and ask for your continued patience during this difficult time. As more information emerges I will keep you updated.


    Kind regards,


    Mrs S.McBeth


  • A Poem for Year 6

    Mon 11 May 2020



    A Poem for Year 6 children - class of 2020


    Today is the day that SATs would have started,

    The classroom set up and the tables parted,

    The rules on the board, the display walls all covered,

    Your workbooks away, out of sight in the cupboard,


    Instead you are home, you’re doing your bit,

    Protecting your families from getting sick,

    It’s important right now, we’re in lockdown you see,

    Being apart of world history,


    You’ve all worked so hard, you should be so proud,

    You’ve practised your SPAG and times tables out loud,

    You’ve learnt algebra to the Nth degree,

    And now the tests, they will no longer be,


    Some may be sad that they can’t take the tests,

    “Hip hip hooray,” I’ve no doubt said the rest,

    Whilst the tests are on hold and you stay home this term,

    Remember that tests can’t measure everything you learn,

    And I don’t need SATs results to tell me,

    How hard you have worked, it’s easy to see,


    'Lockdown' Year 6, let me shout it out loud,

    You’ve made all your teachers so very proud,

    So please continue to learn, fill that brain up full,

    And remember, we think you’re all wonderful!


